Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Alexi spelt most of the day pacing around the palace courtyard, he’d been mumbling to himself over the interrogation of the insurgent for so long he has started simply muttering “Imperial insurgency” repeatedly; He sat on a courtyard bench and looked up then everything went black. Alexi woke up with his head on someone leg, twisting his head to look up he saw Eleine smiling down at him. “You passed out my dear” Alexi sat up and rubbed his neck, Eleine handed him his cap which he placed delicately. Eleine was wearing a night dress and a dressing gown along with a pair of slippers. Rubbing his eyes Alexi stood up shakily and picked up his rifle. “We should get some sleep” he spoke walking toward the palace where Stefan stood looking unamused, once he stood next to Stefan, he spoke “My sister appears to find you attractive Guardsman” Alexi looked at him sternly, it seemed he was about to have a match of dominance “That’s commissar to you” Alexi replied calmly looking into Stefan’s blue eyes. Stefan looked uneasy “I wasn’t threatening you” Alexi had achieved dominance but it wasn’t a match. “You understand that it had kind of been my job to watch over her” Stefan seemed solemn “You’re worried I’m going to whisk her from under you” Stefan nodded.

Alexi turned so they were both facing Eleine in the courtyard. “I’m not going to steal your sister from you, but I’m sure your mother will agree that we let her decide” Stefan nodded in agreement. “Look after your sister your majesty” Alexi walked through the door and into the palace interior. Alexi fell onto his bed in his underwear and crawled under the covers, he eyes closed. The sun gleamed through the palace window as the maid pulled the curtain back, Alexi moaned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up. In a silver platter on his bedside table was a note. “Parlianment convenes tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning. Enjoy a day of rest and recreation within the palace walls” the note was written by Ruben but signed by the queen. Getting dressed in his standard attire, he picked up his rifle but instead chose to lay in beside his bed, instead he opened his kit bag and pulled out his unused sidearm and strapped it around his waist.

Closing his door, he stepped along the corridor in silence, he made a blind turned left and walked into a small inside courtyard where a small island in the middle was surrounded water by a single white wooden bridge; On the island was a square bench facing the water. The water flowed into the small courtyard via a stream that appeared to run through the palace. It was nice to hear nothing but water flowing through the room. He marvelled at the water side garden, the room was obscure but elegantly designed. Alexi left the room before he could become bored of it; he liked to return and enjoy it once more. The palace had a singular colour scheme of white and red, the same colours and the Konokovan flag. Alexi wondered passed several more “common rooms” like the one he first met the Royal family in.

The palace was not empty of course, there was guards stationed around the building, however he appeared to be in an area of the palace where no one had patrolled yet today. Alexi heard quiet footsteps as he turned the corner he found Eleine sat on a soft chair talking to a young aristocratic man. Seeing him he stood up and offered to shake his hand “Everton Garland” said the youngster, “Commissar Alexi Rekov. Northern Border Guard Force” he replied give a single shake of the boys hand, the boy released his hand hastily and appeared regret offering the hand shake. Eleine saw the reaction and seemed offended; she turned to face Alexi. “Where’s you rifle?” she asked, Alexi turned and smiled “Safe in my room” he moved his trench t to reveal his sidearm. “I’m still useful” he said playfully, Everton frowned. Alexi looked at young Everton, “Planning to court her majesty?” he asked. Everton smiled and replied politely “Well, that depends on the competition” Everton gave a little chuckle before standing up and saying goodbye.

Eleine stood up and looked up at Alexi. She sighed, “I don’t like him. But mother insists I must make some vague attempt to find a suitable gentlemen, but now we’re a free nation, they’ve become pompous prats” Alexi chuckled at her remark. “Besides we’re under threat, so we’re not really free. But it’s hard to find a worthy gentleman” Eleine seemed to be playing to part, Alexi was given the impression she cared little for finding someone to court…or marry.

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