Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


The IKA machinegun rattled with fire at the entrance to the palace. The Imperial soldier had mounted another assault, for a first they were making it to the palace steps before the guns opened fire, rifleman and submachineguns had thinned the lines. Alexie loaded in his new clip and closed the bolt, he aimed and fired. He watched the neck of his target explode as his bullet tore through, the soldier fell face first and limp. He reloaded and shot another soldier. He reloaded again and aimed but didn't shoot. No one did, the last dozen imperial soldiers were laying down confused, a radio operator was shouting at them.

Several explosions caused further confusion. A soldier from the command room leapt into view.

"They're here, the IKA and Red Guard are here!" he shouted joyfully. Alexie and Yuri stared at each other and laughed. Tanks fire and machinegun grew louder and closer. Imperial soldiers in the street before they were running with fear. Soon behind them were a wonderful sight. Red Guardsman with submachineguns and rifle advancing with a Heavy tank. The forces of the palace defences and the advancing Red Guard met at the entrance, soldiers advanced forward. Every unit had a Konokovan flag bearer proudly running with the assault. Brigadier Hanov turned to Prince Yuri and Commissar Alexie.

"Would either of you young men like a ride of the Penin liberation express?" both laughed before jumping on onto the tanks hull.

The rumble of the tank was surprisingly comforting for both of them; soldiers running down the street. Ahead of them was the parliament building and across from that was the Royal Park. The lurched to a stop. The turret turned and the barrel lifted. Both men heard the Brigadier murmur a curse, they looked up and saw the flag pole leaning of the front of the building, on the pole was the Empire's Flag of Eternal Rule. The tank coax fired a short burst. The flag pole twisted and fell; and the tank barrel followed it, the Brigadier shouted "Incendiary" and shortly after fired. A crackle of red and yellow. The flame engulfed the Imperial flag and the Brigadier lifted his hands.

"You bastard won't desecrate my country!" Yuri tapped his arm and smiled. The second shell was an explosive round which hit the Imperial defensive line directly causing its remaining troops to flee into the park. "Ruddy bugger keep at it. Desecrating they beauty with their touch" Yuri and Alexie both knew he referred to the Royal Park. Alexie and Yuri departed from the tank, as much as they liked to burst into parlianment and rescue Ruben, Eleine and other civilians; IKA and Red Guard forced had already surged into the building from all angles. They had decided to join the last part of the battle. The fight for the Royal Park.

What tanks and armoured support the Imperial paras had, it was here in the park, the wrecks of many "Box" light tanks the IKA had were dotted around, the heavy tank advanced imperious to anything the Imperial paras shot at them. One had attempted to climb on and throw a grenade inside but Alexie had shot him in the back. Alexie had only visited the Royal Park once before, during his first arrival, he was shocked at the size of the park. Upon questioning a nearby soldier he discovered the park was three square miles wide.

Catching their breath in shell hole, Alexi looked through his binoculars at the battle; Yuri re-joined him reloading his submachinegun before pausing and looking at Alexie. Yuri laid down beside him, he was quiet, as Alexie peered across the green open space with soldiers and tanks moving across.

"Hold our advance" Alexie spoke "There are more Imperial soldiers here than in the rest of the city, they could have taken it" he scanned his surroundings.

"What are buildings over there" Alexie pointed south whilst handing Yuri the binoculars.

"It's a wealthy shopping centre in the middle of the park, why do you ask?" Yuri looked concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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