Chapter 12

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Chapter 12.


For two weeks Alexi watched Penin's political atmosphere change, Yuri and Stefan returned two days after Eren's warnings. Ruben was in major trouble, overnight he'd gone from Prime Minister to convict. His Party had disowned him and now he stood before the courts. His charge: Failing to correctly heed so-called warning of Imperial attack which led to 5000 IKA and Red Guardsman losing their lives in in less than a day. Ruben however had a good defence team, Commissar Rekov and Yuri Reyik were both witnesses to the warnings of attack. Red Guard commander General Mikov arrived in Ruben's defence to state they had received word of the Attack in time by Ruben's hand. Commissar Rekov blasted the court that the hearing was a mere power drive, he continued that Konokov had been united by Ruben's recent actions. He left the court room angry and almost refused to talk to anyone. He was not seen at all for the entirety of the night.

The La Croshe building was a large shopping centre exclusive to small businesses, in the very centre of the building there was a "look-out" tower where tourists and sometimes military person would visit to soak in the landscape. To the South the ever growing sky scrapers lit the night sky white and blue, the North the palace sat in its grand splendour, all around were houses and people, even at two in the morning Penin was awake. Alexie paced the top of the tower, he had so for an hour, he'd slept on the roof after requesting it be closed for Red Guard business. He paused, if Ruben was removed from power completely and unable to stand, Konokov would return to division, in recent days the young Alison Tomah had begun to rise through the ranks, she rallied hard-core nationalists and the conservative right in the believe that Ruben was getting letting the Northern "Reds" get too close to Penin.

In ten years' time she'd be the Party's leader, might even win an election. But for now she was just a danger; she ricked Konokov's safety for ideology, and quite possibly a personal vendetta. Alexie left the tower and removed the sign stating it was closed. He walked along the plaza floor before he heard a shout. He spun around and saw a flash of light, he ducked as the first two bullets bore holes into the wall behind him; he pulled out his sidearm and pulled back the slide and aimed. He fired the entire magazine within seconds, before he ran to cover and reloaded. As he leaned out to grasp a view of the small darkened plaza a hail of automatic rounds flew passed; Alexie fell back in fear, he sunk down against the pillar and lifted his pistol up, his assailant reloaded his spent magazine and Alexie jumped up and fired. He saw the man's head explode as both rounds tore through his skull.

He knew diving for the dead man's body would result in his death, this wasn't one man; there were three, maybe more. He paused. This was Penin, he wasn't alone. The Screech of tires confirmed his thought, the thin plaza was suddenly filled with bright light, Alexie's assailants' were blinded for a moment before they just shouted and charged forward, Alexie listened to their voices, these weren't Imperial accents, they were Konokovan. This was personal and quite possibly political. The cock of weapons and a soft but affirming burst of gun fire and his assailants fell wailing, they were not dead, and one curled up in a ball and cried clutching his arms over his stomach. Soldiers advanced, two with pistols and flashlights pointed out, the other free held rifles and promptly aimed at the assailants, they were about the shoot when one looked up.

"Medics, keep 'em alive. The Queen will want a word with them"

Another with a submachine gun appeared and turned to see Alexie leaning again a wall calmly holding his pistol, the spent magazine sat by his feet.

"Well least the Commissar lives" He chuckled offering Alexie his hand.

"Looks like you escaped and Imperial assassination. We might be off to war" Alexie shook his head.

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