Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Alexie awoke that morning and left his house, it was common for him not to say goodbye because he left early. He walked along to road again toward the depot where he’d ride the tram-line up Mount Koniv to the summit and stand guard. At the depot he showed his Guardsman id and sat on a seat on the tram, the slow rumbling began again as the tram crept toward the summit. Departing at the summit, Alexie strolled over to Camp Koniv, the pun-intended name of the first military base on the Mountain. Inside he ate at the kitchen before heading off to see his schedule; to his surprise he wasn’t standing guard in the bunkers as usual. Today he was on street patrol.

Street patrol had been one of his duties prior to his visit to Penin, it was calming but most guardsman preferred to watch the border. The official of Guardsman personnel on active duty was 150,000 with the other 250,000 on stand-by in bases scattered thorough the Northern State. The Base at Mount Koniv and the three others that accompanied it held 50,000 soldiers in total. Alexie performed his street patrol like any other he’d performed before, it was quiet on the mountain roads, only construction crews and military convoys made noise. The air was cold but stank of fuel from the mountain traffic.

“Patrols for six days” Covvack questioned Alexie is the bunker five days later, “Lucky bastard gets to move his muscles, we stand here and quint”. Covvack was one of the few who preferred street patrol, but this was due to his inability to “sit still” as many explained it. Alexie chuckled and left the bunker, his smiled soon faded as an odd sound filled the air. Everyone was looking up confused, a whistling flew over them; then the rumble and soon the sound; an explosion in the distance. Alexie stood bewildered, the Empire was bombing Gruchin and much of the Northern state with artillery. “Lilya!” Alexie shouted as he sprinted across the base, he jumped up the stairs into a guard toward and grab the steel trailing and looked south. He could see the small settlement where he lived and the school Lilya attended. Completely untouched, he could see small figures moving fast, they must be evacuating; Alexie’s heart slowed, Lilya would be fine. He turned out and descended the towers stairs and began to run back to the bunker.

The artillery slammed into the based interior, trucks and various miscellaneous items exploded as the shells impacted on the Mountain peak. Alexie paused next to a small guard post two-hundred yards from the bunker entrance as a construction crew porta-cabin disintegrated after a direct hit. Suddenly Alexie felt an odd sensation, his skin was hot, he began to sweat heavily; his right ear was filled with a whizzing sound whilst his left was filled with the sound of the wind; his eyes opened moments before he hit the ground and his vision went black. The light flashing into his closed eye awoke him, he lay in the medic bay within the bunker. Covvack smacked his forehead, “You pillock! Your sister’s fine, school’s closed today” Alexie lay down rubbing his forehead before sitting up. “What’s happening?” asked feeling foolish the moment he’d finished, the doctor checked him for signs of a concussion.

“The Empire Commissar, they’re attacking” The doctor said. Alexie frowned. “I meant right this minute” the doctor bowed his head for a moment “the artillery’s stopped” “and the infantry will follow” Alexie cut him off getting up. Before he left he placed his cap on his head and picked up his rifle. Covvack led him through the passageways of the lower level to a lift, as they arrived a man with a clipboard and a long lift stood to attention and saluted, Alexie beat Covvack to the response as they boarded. “Report?” Covvack asked, the man looked at his clipboard. “Sporadic artillery fire across the northern state from all across the border” Alexie looked at Covvack, No concentrated artillery? “It would seem this will be Empire has no idea where our military installations are. Nor where our new settlements are. Gruchin suffered to worst, but the new towns merely got to see the firepower of Long range artillery.” The man looked at them “Yes, they’re at least fifteen miles north of the border”. The lift stopped and Alexie was led out by Covvack whilst the man went off in a different direction. As they proceeded down the passageway they were stopped by a Red Guard Colonel. “You two! Commissar Rekov” He saluted “We need you on the centre right flank” Alexie nodded and led Covvack down the passageway. As they arrived they saw dozens of men lined against the slit in the bunker wall where the riflemen could aim and shoot the enemy from cover; the men were well disciplined, none turned to look at the commissar, his arrival was of no importance. He made his way into the centre right flanks command station which resembled a machinegun port; inside was Lieutenant Black, he was staring at a map whilst sitting on a box of ammunition. Black oddly resembled a nervous commander but upon further investigation, Alexie confirmed he was merely researching the map of the bunker.

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