Chapter 10

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Chapter 10              


Alexie walked along the parliament corridor alongside Ruben who was becoming agitated. Talk of parliament was that the Freedom Party were going to make a grab for power during the next election several months away. The economy was good, the people were happy, many mourned that loss of the many soldiers who had died on Mount Koniv. Ruben stopped and turned to Alexie and finally spoke. “They are making a grab for my position, which of course is legitimate; we’re a democracy” he swallowed. “But the rumours they spread, they’re trying to discredit me. Claiming I have caused this attack on Konokov.” Alexie lifted his hand and Ruben silence. “If I may Prime Minister, you have caused some damage, that which we have almost repaired, we are a united country once again. But you did not caused the Battle at Mount Koniv to occur. That was the Empires doing” Ruben nodded as a slight grin formed on his face. “Thank you – Comrade” Alexie chuckled and shook Ruben’s hand.

Alexie was sat on a chair that evening inside parliament house. He wore his dress uniform, attire to be worn on none military business such as promotion ceremonies and in this case a party. According to the invitation he was a guest of honour. A man in a black suit with grey lapels opened the door to the party hall where the guests were chatting inside, he wore white gloves to protect the brass door handle from finger stains. Stefan and Yuri walked out, both smiling at him. Stefan had become far more warming toward Alexie as to his mother’s instructions. Then again he had fought against their real enemy. Hey shook hands and Yuri stretched out his hand and led him in the noisy hall. “And now a guest of Honour!” another man in a black suit spoke into a microphone on a stage in the far left of the hall. Other guests turned around immediately. “From the Red Guard, Commissar Alexie Rekov” the man finished his introduction and a round of applause greeted him. Alexie scanned the room; every election politician was in this room, including the Independents’. He noticed several members of the Freedom Party were unmoved, no doubt these were the members who were proving troublesome for Ruben.

Ruben and Yuri guided him through the room, one by one, numerous officials, members of aristocracy, and high ranking military personnel shook his hand and greeted him. Berra Mehan stood in front of him with a large smile. “It’s good to see you again Commissar” Alexie smiled “And you Madame”. Alexie was carted off the meet and great new people before a young woman stood before him. “Alison Tomah, Freedom Party young organisation” Ruben said. Whilst her face was attractive, her gaze was one of subtle hostility. Alexie offered his hand, to which she shook it with only to fingers and her thumb. After she walked away silently, followed by her youth organisation friends. “There is a saying that’s quite applicable here” Ruben paused “What’s that?” Alexie smiled “A pretty face doesn’t always mean a pretty personality”. Yuri turned to his left and spoke “Probably shouldn’t have said yet, so soon”. Alexie turned to so Alison’s fuming face, her follow organisation almost shielding her from other guests’ view. “It’s not what I said that has upset her; that just aggravated her.” Yuri paused and saw her gaze scan the three of them. She took a deep breath but Alexie continued “It’s my presence that upsets her”. She froze and her face flushed red before she spun and fled into the crowd.

“Why would she dislike your presence here?” Yuri asked. “I’m an evil Communist.” Alexie replied sarcastically. Yuri saw the hint, “So she dislikes you without knowing you” he sighed. “We cannot judge, well I can’t.” Ruben cut in. “Well, anyway, on with the party” Yuri said, “No one else particularly important to meet”, with that they walk toward several men in dress uniform standing around the queen, the royal guards opened their circle and smiled at Yuri and Alexie as they passed. “Evening mother” Yuri bowed before sitting next to her. “Evening your majesty” Alexie spoke bowing, the queen switched her neck to her left and Alexie took the seat between her and Eleine. The queen looked at Alexie, I see you have met one of our future politicians” she gave him a sly grin. “I did, Alison Tomah doesn’t seem to like my brethren much. Doesn’t like me much either” Alexie spoke calmly, Eleine huffed “She should her opinions to herself”. She lifted her hand and lightly placed it on Alexie’s and sat back in her chair and gave a beaming smile at Alison who was again glaring at Alexie. Suddenly she spoke, “look at me and smile” Alexie turned to face her and smiled “You look lovely tonight princess” She blushed and returned her gaze to Alison to who she returned the glare. Alison’s confidence appeared to disappear as she gulped down her glass of champagne.

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