Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Alexie woke up after five days of peace, security was light at the palace. The events as the old party HQ were national news. It appeared that even special division had agreed that Alexie led them. He however felt uncomfortable lying and told Eleine that he didn't lead anyone in. she enjoyed his honesty, the Queen also approved.

"That wasn't some elaborate ruse to ensure I won't lie to her was it?" he smiled.

"No my dear boy" the Queen smiled "but Ruben is our current priority"

It took a moment for Alexie to remember that Ruben had been forced to step down Konokov Party leader. He was still standing for Election, but as an independent. Even though no longer a party leader, he could still be elected to lead Konokov, he'd just require at least one party with enough seats to back him. And this was likely given his removal was unpopular publicly. Alexie was informed that Eleine was the Royal overseer of the election. Whilst the rest of the family awaited the results. Alexie had cast his vote days earlier, voting for an independent as usual.

He ate breakfast in silence, partially because he was still tired, but mostly because he'd become used to the Princess's company. As he strolled along the corridor he heard word that the Palace and IKA command had lost contact with the Northern Border and the Red Guard. He felt uneasy. Alexie spent his morning with the Queen and Yuri in the Palace's front garden watching the Election Day movements. The radio suspected that either Ruben as an independent or Servan Dolt, the new leader of the Konokov Party would be Prime Minister. Alexie joked about the Communist's taking power. The Queen stated a slight distaste toward a newer "Pro-Royal" party called the Progressive Konokov party, according to the Queen it was made of hard line anti-communists from the Konokov and Freedom party who disliked the new friendship with the North.

Alexie sat almost silent watching the crowds. The Queen made a small joke but noticed the Guardsmen was doing the same, many were preparing their weapons and muttering.

"What is it?" She asked, as a solider approached Alexie who calmly loaded his guardsman rifle.

"There's a guy out there sweating quite a lot, fairly close to the Palace perimeter wearing a lot of clothing for a warm day."

The gunshot caught them off guard. Alexie turned to see a policeman fall down. A second later several explosions followed by screams in the streets. A man ran toward the palace firing an automatic weapon, Royal Guardsmen dived over the Queen; Alexie lifted his rifle and shot the men in the stomach who fell to his knees. He peered over to see the princess's distraught. The Queen was dead, the Guards had only taken stray bullets. Alexie reloaded his weapon and aimed, he paused and fired. The bullet entered the attacker's screams as his plunged through his head. Alexie acted fast grabbing the Princess's and telling the guards to get the Queen's body inside the Palace.

"They don't touch her!" He glared at the guardsmen as they carried her in. Penin was now a conflict zone of guerrilla warfare and not even Alexie knew how to handle this. For minutes he pondered before standing up. "He hold this palace at all costs" the response was simple "Yes Commissar!" Theoretically, Alexie was the highest ranking officer in the palace, this was under the assumption that other officers were either defending other parts of the palace of elsewhere...or dead. It wasn't long before the attackers broke in. Alexie wasn't sure of their target but they failed their objective as, as soon as they broke into one of the courtyards on the North wing, they were gunned down by IKA machineguns and rifles. Alexie met the IKA commander, a Major who oddly declared the Commissar as Commander for the Palace defences.

"The North is defended by my IKA troops, they won't break through Commissar. The South and East wings, I don't know there situation" the Major swallowed. Alexie stated he didn't expect him to know.

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