[New year's Special] Aiden Aljay Zane Marquez.

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Aiden Aljay's Point of View

"Aiden Aljay!" There is one certain person who always call me Aiden Aljay–Dad.

"Father" I greet him, he stand in front of me and pat my back.

"Go to the council's office after afternoon classes" I just nod then he dismiss me. I walk straight to my classroom and just listen to a boring discussion.

"The myth of Creation, Destruction, Salvation" It was our topic last week until now. It was discussed to us for how many freaking years!

"The Creation, in the myth, it says that the Magic World is created by the Goddess of Moon and God of Sun which is Luna and Sol. Some myths says that the world is created because the Goddess Luna fell inlove with a mortal who have a extraordinary power, but no one can really say how the world formed"

Yeah, yeah! I know that part. I'm right! This class would be boring! Next time I will cut this class.

"The Destruction, an unexpected castle was build and their mission is to rule the world. They destroyed the towns, tribes, small kingdoms lead to the destruction. Until a baby born in the middle of destruction and became their salvation"

"The Salvation, they believe that the girl that was born in the middle of destruction is the Salvation but, No one can prove that she really is"

Sounds interesting but boring right? The information is not complete because it is a myth! what one believes will be added to the beliefs of others and then passed on to the next generation until the others add again then the cycle repeats.

The bell rings and everyone rush to go to the Cafeteria to get their foods. The others even pushing their friends or acquaintance just to be the first one on the line!.

I just ignore them and get my food then start eating. Everyone is staring at my direction. Tss. I'm quite famous huh? Okay, stop pretending now, Who doesn't know me? I am Aiden Aljay Zane Marquez, everyone knows me as Aljay Marquez, the strongest Hesxtian.

I slept in my afternoon classes. It's boring class anyway, next week will be the start of trainings so I have nothing to worry about sleeping on the afternoon.

At last!, The bell rings sign that the afternoon classes are over. Dismissal.

Why we have a Saturday classes? This classes are just a makeup classes so we have no choice but to attend it.

While walking, I can hear the screams of peoples in front gate. I decide to take a look and saw that some intruders are here.

The students are fighting them while I just stand in the corner and watch them. If she is here, I can imagine her saying "You know na may gulo right? Then you just stand sa gilid and watch them fighting?!". Sadly, she's not here anymore.

My eyes landed to a girl holding a two sword while fighting the intruders, I can say that she's not a student here. She's good.

I just stare at her while she is fighting. She's brave. That's what I observe to her. She show no emotions whole fighting.

Commanding huh? What a nice ability. I just teleported into the Councils room after that battle.

"Take a seat"

Meeting - or if you can call that meeting - is boring. They just said we have an extra class which is a special section and we are part of it !.

For the whole weekend, I was on my room, eating there, sleeping and whatever. I know how to cook.

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