The Next Morning....

120 4 1

Slenderman POV

Morning has finally arrived. I get up and go to the bathroom to clean myself up of yesterday's events. When I'm done, I pull out a fresh suit and throw the old one in the basket almost full of suits. Sigh, first job for her. Laundry. While she's doing that I guess I'll make breakfast. Pulling on the suit and fixing my tie I leave my bedroom, out of the office and into the hallway. I open the locked door and see that she has fallen asleep on the bed. She looks cute when she's asleep. No, dont think of such things, she is a slave. I thought. I let out a sigh and get myself ready. Then I let my voice pierce through her thoughts, "Wake Up."  I watch as her eyes snap

open and she sits up quickly.

She clutches her head and winces due to my voice invading her mind. She looks up at me with a pained face.

I feel guilty. I shouldn't be too hard on her. I'll only use that type of communication if needed.

"The hell was that for?" She says rubbing her eyes, still sleepy.

"Do not speak to me like that," I say after tearing my mouth open swiftly to form lips to speak.

"I'm sorry." She says getting out of bed and stands up looking around.

"There is a closet over there with clothes you could use. As well as extra bathroom necessities." I point towards the door in the corner she walks towards it and opens it.

"There's a light switch there." I point at the light switch on the side of the door panel, she switches it on and looks around, then sighs and steps in. She emerges out of the closet with a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo with conditioner, clothing and a towel.

"The bathroom is over there." I say, pointing to the door a couple feet from the bed. She nods her head and walks towards it.

"When you are done," I say and she stops in her tracks.

"I have a list of duties you will be completing everyday. You are now part of the CreepyPasta family. So you have to tend to your responsibilities as the rest of us." She slumps and sighs.

"Excuse me," I say as she jumps and turns around slowly. I teleport right behind her and she let's out a little squeak.

"Is this going to be a problem?"

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no s-sir." She says stuttering with wide eyes. I feel a bit guilty. Just a little.

I stand straight and cross my arms while looking down at her. She hurries into the bathroom and closes the door behind her with a soft click. I leave the room and go to my office to write her list of chores. When I'm done, I go back to her room and tape it to the mirror on her dresser. Then, I go down to the kitchen to breakfast. Sigh. I wonder how this is gonna go throughout her time here. I'm not gonna get rid of her. She has no where to go and..... THUMP. I slam my fist into the kitchen counter. No,dont think like that. She's just another human or CreepyPasta. Whatever.


"Alright, breakfast." The CreepyPastas should be down in an hour and a half. Hopefully she gets that first chore done before they leave their rooms. I put on my apron and proceed with breakfast. I hope she'll be OK though.....

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