New Life

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Slenderman POV

Why do I even bother? I need to stop doing this. Especially since Im not sure if she's a creepypasta or not. Well, its too late now. I took the creepypasta in long time ago because they are like me. They feel rejected, they are alone, and just want a friend. They can be annoying sometimes. So hopefully she is at least a bit mature. She may be of use though. Hmmm..... I guess we'll have to think about that tomorrow. I step out of the occupied room and go to my office, which is not very far from the room I placed her in. Ill just keep an eye on her for now I guess. Sigh. I open a door on the other side of my office that leads to my bedroom. I take off the top layer of my suit, loosen up my tie, unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt, and pull off my belt. I feel more comfortable now. Closing my eyes, i review today's events and think of tomorrow's possibilities. Then, I fall asleep.

Your POV ~Your Dream~

I wake up and I see that I am in nothing but darkness. The only light source, is me. Im not holding any light, but I appear to be glowing. I walk around for a little. The silence is starting to scare me. I keep walking until I hear faint music. As I continue to walk in the direction of the sound, I hear that it is sad piano music. A spotlight from somewhere up above shines down on a piano several feet from me. It is all white with a white seat to go with it. one is sitting in the seat. The sad music continues to play and another spotlight is on, a little close to the piano. In the spotlight, looks like... me. Im sitting on the ground with my knees to my chest with my arms wrapped around them with my head down and...crying.  Terrified, I walk towards my weeping other. But before I reach the spotlight, the piano music suddenly ends  with the sound of someone slamming their hands down on to the keys. At the same time, the spotlight and the other me disappears into darkness with the piano, too. Silence and darkness with nothing but my glow surrounds me again. I start to cry. Another spotlight shines down on a white rose. I watch and see a figure walk into a spotlight. Its Slenderman. I start walking towards him, he picks up the rose and hands it to me when I reach him. I hold the rose, look up at him and smile. Slendy embraces me and I feel a little shocked but embrace him back. We stand there for a little bit. I hold the rose up a little and stare at it. Starting at the top, the rose starts to slowly get engulfed by the color red. As it turns the last petal red, everything goes black.

~End of Dream~

Hey, its Anon. Im sorry this took so long, i havent had much time due to school. Im really sorry!! Please forgive me, :'(.
Anyway, ill put up the next chapter as soon as i can!! Please continue to read my books and please FOLLOW, ADD to library, and VOTE if you like!!!

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