Game Over

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He takes me through the hallways and back to the first floor. We go into what seems like the huge living room. All those Ive met have gathered here. Jeff and BEN playing video games. Jane seems to be teasing Jeff, causing him to lose the game and rage. Hoodie and Masky are off to the side reading some book together. Clockwork and Toby are playing a card game. The other tall figure....Splendy and Sally are coloring and laughing. Eyeless Jack looks bothered by Laughing Jack, who repeatedly talks about how they have the same name. Looking at all of this, makes me sort of happy. Its a rare scene, one that I wish to be apart of. Despite the indifferences, all together screams FAMILY. Everyone seems satisfied.

"Clockwork, where's Smiley, Helen and Smile dog?" Slenderman asks.

I stand here like an idiot.

"Bloody painter took Smile dog for a walk and the Doctor followed to pick up a victim." She says.

"Slendy, I asked you not to call me Helen." A voice behind us says.

Startled, I visibly jump.

"My apologies, Bloody Painter." Slenderman says.

I feel hot breathe on my hand and I see the one known as Smile dog. His lips are pulled back, baring his teeth. He raises his ears and I give him my hand to sniff. He pulls back and growls, ready to attack.

"Woah," Whats wrong now? "Come here boy. Its ok, no need to fight." I say and smile as I approach the dog. He drops his stance just a little, then cocks his head. I drop to his level and hold out my hands. He sniffs me again and licks my face. Smile breathes happily and jumps on to me, knocking me to the ground. I laugh as he continues to lick and breath heavily over me. He finally gets off and I notice that I was being watched by everyone.

"Interesting." Was all Slenderman said.

The one i assume is Dr.Smiley walks by with a body bag over his shoulder.

"Oh, hey guys. Ill take this downstairs, clean up and come join you all." He says, breaking the focus off of me.

Everyone returns to their activity. Laughing Jack moves to Sally and Splendy. Bloody Painter goes over by Eyeless Jack and Dr.Smiley appears once again to join them. They engage into a deep conversation Im curious to know of.

"Excuse me everyone," Slenderman says. Everyone holds their attention to us once again. "Most of you have probably met her this morning, but this is F/N. Her stay with us is unknown. Please treat her as you would each other. Thank you for your attention." He turns to me. "We'll see where this goes. For now, get comfortable. "

He teleports away, and Im left to a room of new people. I look over at EJ and his group, then I see Bloody Painter holding a sketch pad and pencil. I guess ill be silent for now... I walk towards them and ask for a piece of paper and something to write with. Bloody painter looks at me for a second, then hands me a few pieces and a pencil.

"Thank you." I say.

"You draw?" He asks.

"Some. Used to help me calm my mind before I lost my sh--lost my mind." I laugh nervously. Manners, F/N. Where are they? There is a child in the room.

"I see where you're coming from." He replies softly.

I draw for a little and see that I sketched out Slenderman sitting in the chair by the fireplace I first saw him in when i got here. Adding depth and volume, I managed to make it look almost real, like a picture, with just the hue of a pencil.

"Hey, that's pretty good." Bloody painter says.

"Oh, um, thanks. I didnt think so." I say looking at my drawing.

"Didnt think so? Look at this. The darks and lights are balanced just right. I like your style of drawing." He says smiling.

"Uhm, thanks again," I smile back at him. "Well, Im done drawing. What were you guys talking about?"

"The anatomy of the human body and what parts we like to use." He says.

"I just like the kidneys. They're just delicious and thats all i want." EJ says.

"Well, wouldnt you want more out of the body? Experiment? Collect?" Dr.Smiley interrogates.

"No, Doctor. We dont want to include ourselves in your interests. You can keep your brain collection to yourself." Says Bloody Painter.

"Well then, I dont see any use arguing on it. Ill get back to my research then." He sighs walking away.

"What research? If testicles still work after the human body dies?" EJ calls out. Bloody painter chuckles.

"Keep talking and we'll see just how many you can deepthroat!!" Dr.Smiley calls back.

EJ, Bloody Painter and I laugh.

"That was hilarious!" I say.

"Yeah? Well, there's a lot more of that around here." EJ says.

From the entertainment area, we hear Jeff call out in victory.


"For the first time ladies and gentleman this smiling lady found herself a man." BEN announces.

Jeff pulls the front of BEN's hat down and pushes him away.

"Shut it, BEN. Dont start it because I won the game." Jeff says. They start a war punching and kicking each other back and forth.

"Sleeeendyyyy, Jeff and BEN are at it again." Jane says with a smirk on her face.

Slenderman appears once again, his presence is strong. His frame overlooking the boys, who are still caught up up in their little war.

"Uh oh..." Laughing Jack says.

"Uh oh...?" I repeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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