Not Again

15 0 0

Your POV

Damn it, I cant go through one day without blacking out. I blame you.

Me? But what did I do?

You couldn't just be a good little voice and shut the fuck up, could you?

Damn, aren't you a bit harsh for someone who is knocked the fuck out.

Oh, cut the shit kid. What do you want from me?

Honestly? I'm not sure. Why don't i take a turn?

What in your right mind would make you think I'd let you possess my body even for a second?

That's just it. Your not in your right mind. Right now your out cold. Who knows what's going on out there.

l know, but how do i know i can trust you?

Your seriously asking ME that? Im surprised your even thinking about it.

Think? Im hardly alone here. Should we wake up?

You? Or me?

Im afraid to. With Slenderman and all the others. Not really their image but...

Your afraid they wont accept you? Well, what do you expect? You barged into their territory and started World War 3!!

I know damn it!! Fuck you. Your no better your damn self.

We're the same person. smartass.

Are we really?

...How much longer?

I dont know. Fuck it, let's go.

...You serious?

YES!! Now!!

Alright, alright. Calm down. Here we go...

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