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Your POV

I wake up from the dream hugging something warm. I look up and I see Slenderman. I jump back, scared. But he doesnt move. Hes probably still asleep. Also, I was pretty comfortable.

I go back to lay down next to him, until I hear his deep voice echo in my head.

"Get. Away. From. Me."

I jump at the sound of his voice and back away. Now Im completely terrified.

"Im S-sorry," I say trying to apoligize.

"I-i had a nightmare and woke up here."

"And you had awoken up and saw the situtation, but you wish to continue the act?" He says sitting up.

"I-i-i-" Was all i could stutter before I was grabbed, carried by the waist and thrown back into the room I was occupying earlier. I hit the floor with a loud thump.

"Ow..." I say.

"You brought this upon yourself." He says before closing the door. I hear a click.

"No!!" He locked me in!!

"Let me out!! Please!!"

"Ill let you out in when the sun rises." His deep voice says through my thoughts before I hear a door shut outside the bedroom. I look at one of the clocks on the wall. 2:50. Ill be fine. Its just like sitting at home, bored nothing to do. I lay back on the bed under the covers and try to go back to sleep. But I cant. What does he have planned for me?

Slenderman POV

Why did she do that? She just walked into my room and lay next to me like it was nothing. No one has ever came in contact with me like that before. Actually, there was one person.

And she was the first person Ive ever loved, but she fell ill and died of some sort of sickness. Ive tried looking for the cure, but she told me it was rare and that they havent found one yet.


The day she passed, I sat by her bed, held her hand and said,

"I love you."

She looks at me and smiles.

"Please dont be sad. Do something that makes you happy and dont let the past consume you." She said with a raspy voice.

"Being with you makes me happy." I said. If i had eyes, I wouldve been crying.

"But I wont be here for long...Thats why I want you to be happy. Because" She said before her eyes slowly close.

"No, Please! Dont leave me!!" I yell.

"Slendy, Im very....tired.... Im going to sleep. I love you..." And with that, she breathed her last breath and entered eternal slumber. I left the room and leaned back onto the door sinking to the floor. Shes gone. What am I supposed to do? Who is there for me to talk to? To be with? To love? I bury her body in the cemetary in the city. I made her a little tombstone and planted flowers all around it.

*End of Flashback*

Its been a very long time since Ive went to her grave. Since that day, I promised myself never to get attached to another. I never want to experience that pain again.

Ive locked that girl in her room till morning. But what am I supposed to do with her? Maybe she could be my slave. Ill make her clean the manor and do other chores. Alright, its settled. She will be my slave. And I cant get attached to her. I wont. I look at the time. 3:05. Well, I guess I cant go to sleep now. *Sigh* I go back into my office, pull out a book and sit in my chair. Now, we wait for morning to arrive.
AnonBTRM here. Sorry if Im not updating much. Time is not really on my side right now. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Please follow, add to your library and vote if you like! And I will see YOU...Later. Bieeeeee!

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