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In Pragya's House

Bulbul: Seriously di, he is awesome. I have never expected this twist. You should have looked at that Nikkil's reaction. He was looking like a dummy joker.

Bulbul was kept on praising Abhi, whereas Pragya was sitting there without any reaction on her face.

Bulbul: Why are you sitting like this di?

Pragya: What are we going to do for Ma's operation money, Bulbul?

Pragya asked worriedly, whereas reality hits Bulbul.

Bulbul: I totally forgot about it, di.

Both noticed Purab, entering the house. Bulbul became furious and approached him angrily.

Bulbul: From when did you start to hide things from us, Purab?

Bulbul asked furiously.

Purab: About which one you are talking about?

Bulbul: About the information, you shared about Nikkil's plans.

Purab became nervous, hearing her.

Purab: How did you know that?

Bulbul: Abhi told.

Purab: How did he know?

Bulbul: Because he is the one to whom you were sharing.

Bulbul said with a glare. Purab gave a helpless look.

Purab: First, I don't know that he is the unknown called. Second, I shared the information because he blackmailed me. He said that he would expose Pragya in front of Abhi. That's why without any other way, I did it.

Bulbul: You could have shared it at least with me. Really, I didn't expect this from you, Purab.

Bulbul said disappointed.

Purab: I'm sorry.

Purab said in a low tone.

Pragya: It's ok, Purab. I can understand.

Bulbul: What are we gonna do?

Bulbul asked whereas Pragya took a deep breath.

Pragya: Purab. Shall we go to some banks, asking for a loan?

Purab: But, we have already tried it, Pragya.

Pragya: Let's try again.

Purab nodded.

Pragya: Or, let me talk to the doctor.

Pragya went from there, whereas Bulbul and Purab gave a confused and sad reaction.

In The Hospital

Pragya: May I come in, Sir?

Pragya asked, knocking on the doctor's door.

Doctor: Come in, Pragya.

Pragya went inside and took her seat.

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