Chapter 4

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"Goodbye mother, I love you and I promise to behave to the best of my abilities," says Ursa to a teary eyed Mai seeing off her only child, on a dock, on the Fire Nation's Royal Bay.

Ursa then walks towards the Commodore of the fleet carrying the troops to the Earth Kingdom. Ursa says,"Commodore, which ship do I need to board?" 

The Commodore responds, "My apologies Princess I did not realize you were accompanying us on this mission. I have room for you just not with Fire Nation troops."

Ursa responds, "No problem, as long as I am not with a bunch of looneys I think I'll be fine." 

"Thank you for your patience, your highness, the ship on the far end," retorts the Commodore. 

"Thank you, safe travels Commodore," says Ursa.

Ursa arrives to her ship and tries her best to sneak to her quarters without being spotted. She slips past the crew and the Captain. She sighs relief as she has her quarters in sight. This mission failed as Ursa reached her door.

"Are you the Fire Lord's daughter?" says a young girl aged 12, tan skin and dark hair of the Water Tribe, with the facial features and mannerisms of the Avatar.

"Umm yea, do I know you?" says Ursa.

"Oh no, the name's Aiya. My Dad is Aang and my Mom is Katara, they're friends of your parents." says Aiya.

Ursa now sports a look of surprise and says, "So your Dad is the Avatar?"

"Yeah, probably should've opened with that, oh well. Yeah I am an airbender too. Just I'm not as good," says Aiya who grows a look of sadness.

"Well that is interesting, but I really should be getting to my quarters," says Ursa, who then quickly slips into her quarters before Aiya responds.

"Please don't tell me you were just harassing the Fire Lord's daughter," Sadao says to Aiya a few feet off.

Aiya uses her bending to zip towards Sadao and the air blasts Sadao with his shirt now on his head. Sadao fixes his shirt and gives his sister a look of destain.

"I was just talking to her," says Aiya. 

"I know, she is under a lot of pressure having to lead a mission at a young age, she doesn't need you up on her grill," says Sadao.

"Oh brother, not everyone is an anti social freak with pent up emotions like you," shouts Aiya.

"Can you shut up?! Gosh do you just shout nonsense?!" yells Sadao.

"I shout the truth dummy," Aiya says in a comical tone and then walks away laughing.

Sadao then storms up to the deck of the ship surrounded by water. He yells for sister. Sadao runs to a large gray bag on the deck. He opens it to reveal a sea of plates.

Aiya runs up to the deck and Sadao chucks a plate at her. The plate nails Aiya on the forehead and she falls down. Aiya's cheeks turn red and she bends herself up.

"Bring it!" exclaims Aiya.

Sadao starts chucking waves and waves of plates at Aiya. Aiya breaks them rather quickly with her bending. She uses her acrobatics and bending break these plates. Sadao keeps sending plates to catch his sister off balance, but eventually he speeds up. 

The crew gathers around, they begin to cheer. They start chanting "AIYA!" as Aiyashows off her airbending skills. 

Aiya keeps breaking the plates as the crew grows louder and louder. Ursa then comes from her room to see what all the fuss is about. She is shocked to see Aiya and Sadao throwing kitchenware at each other but is impressed. 

Aiya breaks one last plate before seeing Ursa, upon spotting Ursa, Aiya runs to Ursa. 

"Ursa! Here just break the plates before they hit you or the ground. Sadao throw some," Aiya says happily.

"Oh I don't know if I sho-" says Ursa but she is cut off by plates being chucked at her head.

Ursa dodged the first one but is hit by the next two on the head. Ursa sighs and moves her arms in a circular motion with it ending with her right hand pointed at a line of flying plates, then lightning shoots out of her hand and turns the plates to ash.

The crew all gasp then run to their stations. Sadao and Aiya look at Ursa in awe.

"I have never seen someone do that," exclaims Aiya.

"I don't like to I just wanted to scare the crew so they'd get back to their jobs," says Ursa wearing an embarrassed look.

"That was amazing, you are really talented. I'm Sadao by the way," says Sadao.

"Oh thanks, I'm Ursa, sorry I'm not great at talking," says Ursa.

"Ursa where'd you learn that?" says Aiya.

"Oh I probably should get back," says Ursa with a red face of discomfort. 

"Come on Ursa," yells Aiya. 

Sadao and Aiya then sit six feet apart and Ursa turns and sits near forming a triangle.

"Okay my Mother told me I needed to be more social anyway, my great uncle Iroh taught me that. He says I have the heart of my father, but I didn't receive anything from my father but a shadow to stand in," says Ursa now looking off into the sky with tears in her eyes.

"I know what you mean, my mom and dad, they're known as heroes world-wide. You can't go to an inch of this world where they aren't seen as gods. I mean I love them, and it is really hard right now. But I feel trapped by their success," says Sadao.

Sadao then scoots towards Ursa. Ursa is trying her best to cover her crying eyes. Sadao touches her wrist.

"May I help?" says Sadao softly. 

Ursa takes her hands off of her face. Sadao slowly wipes the tears from Ursa's eyes. After he finishes, Ursa looks into his eyes for a second.

"I'm sorry," Ursa yells as she runs from Aiya and Sadao. 

Ursa runs down into the belly of the ship. The faint sound of a door slamming can then be heard.

Sadao then punches the floor beneath him, with the look of anger in his eyes, just like his mother before him.

"Sadao, are you okay?" asks Aiya.

Sadao stands up quickly and says, "Yeah Aiya, I think it is time to head down, it's getting dark out."

Sadao and Aiya then head down into the belly of the ship into their quarters.

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