Chapter 3

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In the legendary Fire Nation war room, a security council meeting is being held. There are delegates from the Fire Nation, the Southern Water Tribe, and the Northern Water Tribe.

Fire Lord Zuko and his young daughter of the age of 16, Ursa, make up those representing the Fire Nation. With Chief Sokka representing the Southern Water Tribe, and General Shuji representing the North.

They all sit around a table awaiting the reason for the meeting to be called.

"Good morning everyone. You all are no doubt wondering why we are meeting here. The reason for this is that Aang has been kidnapped by a person calling themself the Phoenix Queen." says Sokka.

Zuko responds, "How can this be, he's the Avatar?"

Sokka answers, "I don't know. But he is gone. I've sent squadrons to search the ice for him but he's gone."

Shuji chimes in, "Could this Phoenix Queen be in anyway related to the growing Acolyte menace in the Earth Kingdom?"

"What are the Acolytes?" asks Sokka.

Ursa interrupts, "They are a group capturing small cities and villages in the Earth Kingdom. They have also sent many assassins after the Earth King and other officials, which is why no Earth Kingdom delegates are here."

"A fisherman described Aang's captors to be wearing black clothes and have their faces completely covered. Is this the normal garb for these Acolytes?" asks Sokka.

"Yes, it is." answers Shuji, now wearing a worried look on his now pale face.

"What are we going to do about the Acolytes?" asks Zuko.

"I say we send a small garrison to an Acolyte stronghold." answers Shuji.

"Will the Earth Kingdom allow our forces on their shore?" asks Zuko.

"As long as we keep it low, say 15, we shouldn't raise any flags. I will send a message to Ba Sing Se to inform them of our mission." adds Shuji.

Sokka adds, "Okay so 5 from each of our armies?"

"I will lead the mission." interrupts Ursa. Her face now smirking like that of her long forgotten aunt.

Zuko then looks at her like she is an idiot. "You will not!" Zuko yells.

"Father please. I have been training all my life. And even you have said that my fire bending has reached levels you've only seen once before by someone my age." Ursa is now gazing at her father with her father's fire in her eyes.

"Zuko, the garrison will need a leader and I've seen Ursa fight myself. If she's anything like you she would be perfect for this mission." adds Sokka.

"Fine. But you will do nothing not in the mission plan." says Zuko.

Ursa now wears that smile she gained from Azula herself. "Thank you father." says Ursa.

"Well now that's settled... we will meet at the northern shore of the Southern Water Tribe in 5 days. There I will inform the soldiers of the plan. Until then stay safe." says Sokka.

Sokka then gets up and leaves the war room. As soon as Sokka leaves the room his nephew and the son of Aang and Katara is waiting for him.

Sokka says in a surprised voice, "What're you doing here Sadao?"

"I was just listening in on the mission plans." says Sadao.

"I know what you were doing. But why are you in the Fire Nation you are supposed to be taking care of your sister back home." says Sokka.

"Aiya is 12, if my father can save the world at that age she can take care of herself. I want in on the mission." says Sadao.

"Absolutely not. Your mother would kill me." adds Sokka.

"But I am 16, the same age as Zuko's daughter, and she gets to go." says Sadao.

"She has parental permission and is a master level fire bender." says Sokka.

"My mother is the best water bender in the world and she says that I'm a good bender. Also you were my age when you traveled the world with my dad and helped save the world. Please just let me help like you did." says Sadao.

"You know what. Why not? But don't do anything stupid. That'll be hard because you've got a lot of your mother in you, but just try. Also Ursa is a pretty good looking gal so make sure you draw attention to that while you're at it. Anyway let's go home." says Sokka.

Sadao grins like his mother once did too. As Sokka walks past he peers into the war room. Inside he spots Ursa sitting next to her father talking with Shuji. Both Ursa and Sadao make eye contact.

Ursa has the eyes and skin tone of her mother, Mai. Her hair color of her father's and it's styled like her grandmother, Ursa. She shares a striking resemblance to her aunt who she has not heard of.

Sadao has the eyes of his father, Aang. He has dark hair and skin tone from his mother. He has shaggy hair and a lean build. Sadao also strongly resembles his mother, but he has the mannerisms of his father.

The prodigal son and the prodigal daughter of the most powerful couples in the world, kept eye contact with each other for only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. Sadao smiles and waves at Ursa. Ursa freezes for a moment.

Sadao gets pulled off by his uncle. Ursa tries to wave back but Sadao is gone. Ursa then regains her composure and walks out of the war room.

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