Chapter 10

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Sadao, Aiya, and Roka sit in their guest house while Ursa, Hark, and Suki talk in Suki's home.

Aiya and Roka have been occupying themselves with mindless chatter. And Sadao impatiently paces back and forth worrying about Ursa as he doesn't trust Hark.

"Sadao can you calm down. Suki is there, Hark isn't going to steal your girlfriend," says Aiya.

Sadao looks at Aiya with rage and yells, "She is not my girlfriend!"

"Geez, someone is a little bit cranky," says Roka.

Sadao grunts loudly and yells, "Can you two act mature for five seconds?!"

Aiya smirks and says, "Ha no."

Ursa then walks in and Sadao is immediately relieved.

"Finally Mr. Separation Anxiety can chill out," says Aiya.

Roka begins laughing loudly and says "Good one Aiya."

Sadao ignores them and asks, "Ursa, what was that all about?"

"Hark is my half-brother," says Ursa.

Sadao, Aiya, and Roka all stop and look at Ursa in shock.

"It's not my place to give exact details but while my Mom and Dad weren't together, Suki and my Dad were a thing," says Ursa.

"Guess we didn't have to worry about Hark stealing her after all," says Aiyain a snarky manner.

Sadao then picks up a cup off of a nearby table and chunks it at Aiya's head.

"Suki also said we are going to meet the Kyoshi Warriors in a few moments. Until then, Sadao, can you walk with me to the lake?" says Ursa.

"Of course, Ursa," says Sadao.

Sadao and Ursa walk out of the guest house and down towards the water. After a few minutes of walking they reach the shore and sit down beside each other.

"How are you Sadao? I know this all must be hard for you with your parents and everything?" asks Ursa.

"Oh I'm fine. I don't have the luxury of being upset. I can't risk the world over sadness," says Sadao.

"I know I am not the best person when it comes to talking. I spent my childhood training, I didn't have many friends," says Ursa pointing her head down trying to avoid eye contact.

Sadao puts his hand under Ursa's chin and picks her head up so their eyes meet and says "Ursa, there's no one on this Earth I'd rather talk to."

Just as those words leave Sadao's lips Ursa quickly goes in and kisses Sadao on the lips. Sadao's eyes grow in shock and his cheeks blush red. Ursa quickly backs away turns away.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stop myself any more. Please don't think I'm weird," says Ursa.

"Ursa I-" says Sadao before being interrupted.

"Hey love birds we're going to meet the Kyoshi Warriors," says Aiya from a few feet away.

On the way there Ursa hangs back as to avoid Sadao, despite Sadao's best efforts to get near her. Sadao eventually gives up and runs up to Aiya.

"How much of that did you see back there?" asks Sadao to his sister.

"Oh don't worry big bro I saw just enough," Aiya says and then closes her eyes and makes an exaggerated kissing lip movement and noise.

Sadao, Aiya, Ursa, and Roka eventually all make it to the Kyoshi Warrior training hall. A group of teenaged girls all come out of the cabin to greet the four. One of the girls is aged 16 with pale skin with brown hair, and she stand front and center.

"Hello everyone! My name is Chiori, I am the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors," says Chiori.

"Chiori is a weird name for an Earth Kingdomer," says Ursa.

"Oh it's because my Mom was from the Fire Nation and a Kyoshi Warrior too," says Chiori.

Each of the four introduce themselves to the warriors and discuss your basic mumbo jumbo.

Then out of nowhere the reason for the coordinates arrives. The reason being an Acolyte ambush.

Two Acolytes and Taz jump the four and the Kyoshi Warriors out of nowhere. All except Ursa, Sadao, and Chiori are subdued immediately by a surprise bending attack from Taz.

Sadao is flanked by both Acolytes and is knocked unconscious. Chiori then follows swiftly after. Ursa battles Taz efficiently but is overwhelmed by the Acolytes and Taz together.

Taz picks up an unconscious Ursa and points at the Acolytes to grab Chiori.

The Acolytes with Chiori and Taz with Ursa then escape back to Omashu to bring the prisoners back to Azula.

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