Chapter 13

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In the Omashu prison, Taz throws a finally conscious Chiori into a cell and stands in front of the bars.

Chiori sees a pointed rock in the corner of the room. With Taz's back turned she slides to the rock and rips her binds with it.

"What's your name love?" asks Chiori.

Taz doesn't respond.

"Are you from Omashu?" asks Chiori.

Taz doesn't respond.

"Can you talk?" asks Chiori.

Taz doesn't respond.

Chiori begins to smirk and asks, "Is Azula controlling your mind?"

"No, I volunteered to serve the Phoenix Queen," says Taz.

"You couldn't answer the others but that question you answered so quickly," says Chiori.

"Shut up," says Taz.

"Make me," says Chiori.

"What did you say?" asks Taz turning towards the cell.

Chiori stands up pretending her binds are in tact and walks up to the bars standing inches away from Taz, she then says, "Come make me."

Chiori then leans towards the bars and kisses Taz deeply then backs up.

Taz opens the cell and walks in.

Chiori slides behind him and strikes Taz on the back of the head. Taz falls down unconscious. Chiori begins to walk out but she hears shuffling from behind.

"Uhh my head. Who are you? Why am I in the prison?" says Taz.

"You don't remember anything?" asks Chiori.

"The last thing I remember I was fighting Azula," says Taz.

"She really did have a hold on your head. I'm Chiori. And Azula had control of your mind. But when I hit you, you must have gotten loose of her control," says Chiori.

"Oh my gosh, what have I done?" says Taz.

"That doesn't matter now. We need to find my friend and get out of here," says Chiori.

"My name is Taz by the way," says Taz.

Chiori smiles and says, "I love that, it's so unique. Now do you know the way out of here?"

"Yeah follow me," says Taz.

They both sneak out of the cell and just as Taz turns his face meets Sadao's. Sadao's eyes grow and he punches Taz in the face.

"Sadao he is free of the mind control now," says Chiori.

"Oh I'm so sorry," says Sadao.

"No problem, I probably deserved it," says Taz.

"Where is Ursa?" asks Sadao.

"High priority targets are held this way follow me," says Taz.

They all three begin sneaking threw the cell block.

"Where is everyone else?" asks Chiori to Sadao.

"They didn't come it's just me," says Sadao.

"I don't know if that's brave or foolish but thank you," says Chiori.

"You're welcome, it's the least I could do," says Sadao.

"But you didn't come for me did you?" asks Chiori.

Sadao stops, turns towards Chiori, and says, "I came for you both."

"I am not judging at all Sadao. I understand completely. Love is a strong emotion," says Chiori.

"I don't know if you two have ever snuck anywhere but you really shouldn't talk while doing it," says Taz.

The three continue on in their search for Ursa.

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