Chapter 17

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In Ursa's cell, Ursa lies waiting for Azula to return. Eventually she does. Azula grabs Ursa by the ankle and drags her to the throne room. In the room, Azula grabs Ursa's head and begins to stare into Ursa's eyes.

"It's time my dear Niece," says Azula.

They both begin to scream loudly. However, Sadao, Chiori, and Taz all run in.

"Stop Azula! You're done," yell Sadao.

Azula drops Ursa, and Ursa collapses.

"I will have to deal with you freaks first it seems. And you released my dear Earth Bender from his mind control. Too bad I absorbed enough Spirit energy to defeat ten armies," says Azula.

Azula is unmatched as she flies through the air bending fire and lightning as the three try their best to defeat her.

"You children stand no chance, I will kill you, then the Avatar, then the Spirit World, then I will conquer this world," says Azula.

Azula sends a fire blast the size of a ship at the three. Taz bends Earth up to save Chiori and Sadao completely, but Taz absorbs some of the blast and flies to the wall.

"Taz!" yells Chiori.

Taz sits up and grabs his arm, he then says, "I'm fine, get Azula."

Sadao bends his water onto Azula's arms leaving her defenseless for a short time. Chiori runs up to Azula and hits her three times on the back of her head. Azula screams for a short time then breaks free.

Just as Azula runs towards Sadao and Chiori, Aiya and Hark runs in and Aiya blasts Azula with air.

Azula stumbles and Sadao hits her again subduing her again.

Hark throws his dagger covered in his fire bending at Azula and it nails her in the chest. Then Chiori kicks her in the back of the head, and a loud rumble occurs for a few minutes. After the rumble Azula breaks free.

As Azula breaks free, Ursa begins to stand. Hark sees Ursa being spotted by Azula. Azula shoots lightning capable of killing ten men at Ursa. Hark knocks Ursa out of the way and aborbs the blast directly.

A giant crash occurs in the back of the palace and it causes the entire palace to quake.

Ursa uses this to catch Azula off guard, but Azula dodges her attack. Azula sends a force field of fire in all directions which knocks down everyone but her.

Azula walks towards a grounded. Ursa says, "I do not fear you, Azula."

"Then you will die braver than most," says Azula.

Just as Azula says this the doors fall straight to the floor and mist overtakes the doorway.

Azula bends lightning into the mist but it is redirected back at her. Azula dodges and waits for the person in the mist to reveal themselves.

A robed figure appears in the mist and steps forward. A man dressed in a tan robe completely covering his body steps forward.

Azula stares at him with shock in her eyes.

The robed figure kneels down and touches the floor, as he does this the mist moves forward just enough to encase himself.

In the mist, the figure takes off his robe. The man's hands, eyes, and head begin glowing light blue.

Azula's eyes get big and she attempts to bend lightning again at the Avatar.

Aang rushes to Azula and grabs her throat and lifts her. After a few seconds, Aang drops Azula and spirit bends her bending from her body.

Azula collapses to the ground with foam dripping from her mouth.

Roka walks in and gasps.

"What of the Acolytes?" asks Aiya.

"All at once they collapsed," says Roka.

Suki rushes into the room. She sees Hark laying on the ground. Suki runs to her son and cradles his head.

Hark looks at his Mother and touches her face, with his last bit of strength he says, "I'm sorry, I love you."

Hark's body goes cold, and Suki begins weeping.

All stand at a distance and watch a Mother mourn her son.

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