Chapter 15

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Back on Kyoshi Island, Suki, Aiya, Roka, Hark, and what is left of the Kyoshi Warriors sit on the shore watching a Fire Nation warship arrive on the island. 

The hull of the ship drops down and an army of soldiers come marching out. And leading the troops is the Fire Lord, Zuko.

Zuko walks up to Suki and looks into her eyes for a second as if asking a question without saying. Suki points beside Roka towards Hark.

Zuko and Hark's eyes meet and they both walk towards each other. 

Upon their meeting Zuko grabs Hark and hugs him, Zuko sheds a tear and says, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know. All that matters is that you are here now," says Hark.

"I brought you something, my son," says Zuko.

"Thank you, Father, what is it?" says Hark.

Zuko hands Hark a pearl dagger.

"It's a pearl dagger taken from your late Great-Uncle's siege on Ba Sing Se. The inscription says 'Never give up without a fight.' I have been waiting to pass that on and I finally found someone worthy to give it to," says Zuko.

Hark begins to cry as his dreams of having a Father are being realized in front of his eyes.

"I don't know why to say," says Hark.

"You don't have to say anything," says Zuko.

Hark puts the dagger in his pocket, and Zuko turns toward his troops.

"It is time to give my Sister what she deserves," shouts Zuko.

The troops begin to shout as they all collectively travel to meet Azula and her Acolytes in Omashu. 

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