Chapter 12

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Sadao, Aiya, Roka, Hark, and Suki all sit in Suki's house discussing what they're to do.

"I've spoken to the locals and they've all said the same. Azula and her Acolytes have taken Omashu, so if there is one thing that is certain, they were taken there," says Hark.

"We have to go after them," says Sadao.

"I agree," says Hark.

"I don't think we can, we don't have the fire power," says Aiya.

"Aiya is right, I will send a message to the Fire Nation requesting reinforcements," says Suki.

"I thought we weren't allowed to bring an army?" asks Sadao.

"The Earth Kingdom is in a state of panic, the loss of Omashu has driven all the higher-ups into chaos," says Suki.

Suki then grabs a piece of paper and quill and begins to write a request for reinforcements. Suki then walks outside with the paper and gives it to a hawk.

"The longer they're there, the longer they will suffer," says Sadao.

"We would be killed nearly immediately, Sadao, we can't get all of us killed. All we have to do is wait for the Fire Nation and we can save them all without any casualties," says Aiya with pain growing in her face.

"Aiya, Azula is a monster, Chiori and Ursa won't survive long in there, we can't leave them," says Sadao.

"Sadao she's right. We have to wait," says Hark.

Sadao's face grows with anger as he says, "A few minutes ago you agreed? What happened Hark, did your balls drop off?"

Hark stands up quickly and moves in front of Sadao, not in anger but in worry, and Hark says, "Sadao I thought about how we can't get everyone killed to protect two."

Sadao's face now glows with rage and he says, "You don't care. None of you do. We can't wait, they will die."

"Sadao we will die too," says Hark.

"As long as they get to live, I'm fine with dying," says Sadao.

"Sadao stop," says Aiya quickly.

"Aiya I can't change the fact that I'm the only one that cares," says Sadao.

"Sadao, we can't risk us all, quit talking like that," says Aiya.

Sadao runs over to Aiya with anger in his eyes. Hark walks to them and shoves Sadao away from his sister.

"Sadao stop-" says Hark before being interrupted with a punch to his face.

Hark falls down and looks up at Sadao in shock. Sadao runs out of the house. Aiya runs after him.

"Sadao, you can't," says Aiya.

"I have to Aiya, I can't let Ursa die," says Sadao with pain in his face.

A tear runs down Aiya's face as she says, "I won't try to stop you Sadao. Goodbye I love you."

Sadao hugs his sister and says, "I know."

Sadao walks off into the distance towards Omashu as Aiya begins to cry seeing her only family in her present life walk off to his presumed death.

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