Chapter 6

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Ursa, Sadao, and Aiya have been walking the road towards civilization for what feels like ages. But they are near arrival.

"Can we take a break? We've been walking for ages," asks Aiya.

"No Aiya. We can't stop, the longer this takes the more people Azula kills," responds Sadao.

"I'm no expert but I think we're just outside of a town," says Ursa upon seeing buildings in the distance.

The three all run into town and begin their search for a cartographer.

"Excuse me ma'am. Do you know of a cartographer in town or nearby?" asks Ursa to an elderly woman in town.

"Oh yes dear. In town square there is a cartography stall. It is run by a great big man named Kor, you can't miss it," responds the woman.

The three run to town square. The square is a square shape and about twenty yards per side. In the square there are around ten stalls.

The three go between the stalls to look for the cartography stall. Voila they find a stall labeled cartography. In the stall is no man but a younger teenager aged 13. He is of a slightly chunkier build and dark hair and eyes. He has the pale skin accompanying most Earth Kingdomers as well.

"Umm are you Kor?" asks Sadao.

"Oh no I'm Roka, Kor is my cousin and he has me run the stall when he doesn't feel like getting out of bed. It really gets on my nerves because I don't want to do this. But my apologies, what do you need?" says Roka.

Sadao hands Roka the scroll and points out the coordinates. 

Roka pulls a map out of his pocket and looks at it for a mere thirty seconds.

"That's Kyoshi Island," says Roka.

"Thank you, we are short of money, is there any other way to pay for your services?" asks Sadao.

"You can take me with you! I hate it here and it looks like y'all are fun," says Roka.

"Ummm can you fight? We are on a mission that involves a lot of it," responds Sadao.

"Of course. I am a earth bending prodigy," says Roka.

Aiya begins laughing loudly and says, "Please show us, I don't know why but that sounds ridiculous coming out of your mouth."

Roka grunts and marches out of town square and then out of town up to a boulder.

"Watch and learn," Roka says.

Roka then stomps his foot at the boulder and sounds of bending occur but the boulder doesn't move. Seconds later a rock the size of an apple hits Roka on the back of the head.

Aiya begins to laugh loudly again.

"Shut up Aiya. You can come just try not to get anyone hurt," says Sadao.

"Roka where is Kyoshi Island?" asks Ursa.

"Oh it's off the southern tip of the Earth Kingdom, luckily we are nearly there. There's a little town a few miles south that takes passengers back and forth," says Roka.

"Okay great to hear. Well we better get on our way," says Ursa.

The now four begin south towards this town on the hunt for Acolytes and for the Phoenix Queen  herself.

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