First Meeting

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"I got most of the paperwork done and I finished monitor duty. Anything else?" Maya asked the individual in the chair facing the window.

She rolled her eyes at her president theatrics. Yui turned herself around to place a book down on the table. She took off her headphones.

"Oh. If you're done, then we can go to the initiation," she got up to lead the way out of the hallway. I held back an internal sigh.

'Can I just be a secretary or the closet. Why is finding a date for someone more anxiety inducing than normal' I trailed after her figure.

"Okay. I'll admit I expected more paperwork. But this is next level gardening," my eyes caught pink blossoming petals falling onto the courtyard.

Yui let out a small laugh.

"I can see why'd you get that impression. But I promise you the student council has a hands-on approach," she caught a few petals in her palm.

Pulling out my phone I flashed a few pictures of the flowers.

I took a few pictures of a nearby fountain and accidentally caught Yui placing those petals in the water.

'She has an aesthetic going. I don't think I can rock that look. Ugh. Stared too long. Pretend to look at the swan statue' I shook shifted my gaze to the swans. Only for a shot of glass spikes clashed into the fountain.

Yui sprinted towards me as I felt an object fly by my face. She took my hand and we ran through the school's labyrinth of gardens.

"I apologize for this. It's the only way to get you in," she yanked a blue icon onto my neck.

I felt a lightning bolt course through me. Only for my eyesight to dim blue. Graphs and numbers flooded my vision.

"By the way, does Yui know about the situation? You could ask her to date Haru, and the whole apocalypse ends. Easy," I told Chiya at dinner under a candlelight restaurant.

"Also, when I said fast food, I meant fast food. This is a bit much," I pushed
around the lobster in my meal with a fork.

"Dinner is on me for today. But to answer your question. She or someone else needs to fall in love with him. Bot sides reciprocate. It's the only way to stop Haru from destroying the world unintentionally," she pulled a wine glass out onto the table. The waiter came over with a drink.

"Right. True love to save the world. This is nuts, and I don't drink. Water, please," I remember saying to Chiya before a waiter dumped water on me.
"Thank goodness your awake. I'll debrief you after the event is logged. The president was worried getting you in here too soon would cause you to go into a coma," a girl in black tactical gear removed her mask. Blonde curls unfurled to life with a red streak on the side.

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