Military Base on Island

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"Godzilla versus King Kong. Who will win again?" Maya mumbled underneath a blanket. Chiya flipped a magazine on the couch. She was observing the vitals on a screen of the girl sleeping and hit an arrow for the information to disappear.

"Depends on the evolution," Chiya answered, setting a cup on the table. Maya rose from the blanket with her dark hair frazzled into the air. 

"What? Chiya." The girl said, squinting at the teacher sitting across from her. Maya jumped up.

"Wait. The Godzilla part was real or dreamed." She said, putting her hand against her face and rubbing aggressively.

"Real. More robotics appeared at the school before. Godzilla is a new one. But that's part of the reason I'm here." Chiya touched the blue holographic screen, and it transformed into a map of a compound. 

"Yui, let us know about your powers to the portal. I'll take you on a visit to familiarize yourself with the layout. Don't worry. Your classes and grades are taken care of. Today will be less physical," Chiya said.

Maya yawned and nodded. "I can't wait. This is turning into an awesome coma adventure. No school for the day. Let me get dressed."


Shadows hide behind a screen showing the Godzilla fall onto its face. The clothed cloud slams its fist against the table. 

"We are so close this time." A technician appears behind them in blacksmith clothes. 

"Let the others know that we are not sending anymore. Go with the covert operation to learn more about this new hero." They said, staring at the student opening portals.  

"You'll become another obstacle," they said. 


Yui looks around the hallway outside the student council room. Only five students sit at their posts in the room. She seems to Nicholas, casually tapping on the table. 

"Nicholas. Do you know where," Yui begins to ask, only for Zaira to invade her space.  

"Hello, Yui! I see that you saved the school once again. A true heroine," she gushed over Yui. The student council president nodded and put on a strained smile. 

"Yes. I could not do it alone." Yui looked over to Nicholas, giving her an X across her chest with her arms. Mouthing 'don't say her name. Zaira will go after her. 

"Well, then, Zaira. Thank you for your compliments. However, we must start the meeting by reviewing the news for reinforcements and the club's activities for the sports festival." Yui said, gesturing for Zaira to take a seat at the table. 

Nicholas then wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to Yui. 

"This is the report on the number of incidents and how well the mission is going." 

Yui looked at the note. 

'Maya is at the compound with our advisor. Don't worry. She is fine according to the status report from Chiya.' Yui grimaced and hid it behind a quick nod. 

"Thank you. Nicholas." 

'Another mission without my knowledge. Just what is the advisor doing' Yui thought as she got more reports on the state of the student's mental health from the mascot committee. 


Maya arrived at the compound past the barbed-wired walls to a military base on an island with the jungle bursting from the sides. 

"You did say secret base camp. I thought it was more underground, not out in the open. Is that a telescope," Maya pointed to the giant observatory over the buildings. 

"It's to keep an eye on our operations. I'll show you exactly where these intruders need to go. And to remind you of your mission." Chiya said with a mischievous glint.

"Ugh. Can I not just save the world without a ridiculous paradox? I'm working on it. His romantic interests are not quite grounded and not dealing with familial relations." She shivered at the thought. 

"I'll need to get to know him and then see if I can set up a speed dating session. Is that a good start," Maya said, crossing her arms over her chest and giving Chiya an annoyed stare. 

"Yes. If you need any help going on those dates, I can assist in that area," Chiya answered, leading the way inside the dark walls of the compound. 

"I'll think about it, and even then, I'll take it with a grain of salt."

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