Meet Haru

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I sat down in a chair facing a holographic desk. Haru sat on the other side with his guards towering over him. He looked up from the table to catch my gaze. The room was silent as I glanced at Chiya next to me pulling out papers on the table. 

She nods towards them and gestures towards me. 

"Mr. Song. We'll have Maya send the contraptions and assailants here in a protective room. Your fears will be gone. The student council will do our best to ensure the school is not dangerous for you." Chiya said.

Haru's eyes became lustrous. He wiped his eyes with a napkin. 

"Okay. It's just I've never had that security. I am grateful," his voice cracked. 

I watch closely as his eyes were purple-blue, and his hands fidgetted on the table. 

"Yes. I'll do what is in my ability to protect you, Haru. So get ready for the dullest mind-numbing frustration-." Chiya gave me a pointed look. 

"Greatest high school life, as they would say in the States," I said, smiling. 

"You're a foreigner!" he jumps upright and leans over the desk with a bright smile.

"Yeah. But back to the details." 

Chiya pulled a hologram to show the front of the school with a different door popping up from the side. 

"You'll go the usual route. But it's another option in case we need to go undercover. However, you'll be wearing a disguise with the highest technology Nicholas made for you. You're still registered under Haru with a different last name. Tanaka."

"More undercover. I see," he said, grabbing the small watch Chiya slid onto the table. 

"Maya will escort you to and from the school to your vehicle. Your guard will defend you at home. But if necessary, we can arrange for Maya to be a full-body guard under strenuous circumstances."

My eyes widened from a fact I did not know about, and gave Chiya a bewildered look she chose to ignore. 

"I hope it does not come to that situation," he answered. 

"Well, everything is set, Mr. Song. Your first day of class is tomorrow. Welcome to Rose High." 


"Chiya. I may sign up to be a vacuum for monsters and a questionable matchmaker. But I am not a babysitter for a kid that looks like he's still in middle school." I said looking down at the information I'll need to learn about the type of assailants targeting Haru.

"Complain all you want. Your duty is to protect him to protect the school and that leads to saving the world through love," she says hanging her coat in the adviser's office.

"That sentence did not make sense. Second, I'll also be on guard duty for the school. She's already assigned me for scouting around the school. I won't be able to catch a nap," I said throwing my hands in the air.

"If you go through with your duties, you may return back to you're world before getting struck by a truck," she said as a matter of fact. She pulls out a diagram with the word Truck-kun and a stick figure named Maya.

"Again. Does not make sense. This is too much. Why not feed him a love potion, and has first love. We save the world, and I get to go home," I said drawing a banner with 'Saved the World' above the two drawings.

"We tried. It only made the meteor going towards us to get closer. Our end of the world is caused by it. And your presence here has made the meteor move a yard away," Chiya pulled out a hologram showing the said meteor. 

"Woah. Bigger than the dinosaurs," I said in awe. I remember watching the giant orange explosion in that dinosaur documentary, which left corpses everywhere. My eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

"If I don't solve this, what does that mean?" I asked. 

Chiya smiles too brightly.

"We're dead, and you too. So work hard," Chiya said and left the office room. 

Help Me! I Woke Up to Save the Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن