Hidden Blues

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I helped Nicky walk over to a pipe. Nicky went towards a blue, glowing pipe and closed off the sides. I saw her burnt arms reform back into a pale pink hue. Her eyes glowed turquoise and electric circuits formed across the exposed skin. 

"I did not want you to know about this," she said in a computer-like voice. I stopped patching up my face with cotton swabs to look at her. 

"What? Oh. Sorry," I said, turning away from her to face the doors of the infirmary. I heard a chuckle from her. 

"I mean. I am a cyborg. Doesn't that scare you," she said in a somber tone. I looked over my shoulder. Her whole body glowed brightly pink. I squinted my eyes shut. 

"No. I didn't even know you were a cyborg until now. Why would I be scared? Maybe at how advanced you are in kicking my ass. But you're still a person," I said, rubbing my eyes. 

The glowing cyborg nodded, and for a second, her eyes softened.

"Well, then you are a first. I am more of an assistant bot here in the compound," she said. The light settled into a dimmed blue.

"The one that punched you is Zaira. Yui's prodigies intern from a well-known family with an infatuation towards the president." 

I nod and place alcohol wipes to take off the blood from my face. I stare at the droplets staining the towels. 

"I can tell. She didn't hold back. Yeah, no, I will not get involved with co-workers." I let out a pained groan putting a bandage on my cheek. 

"Aw. I was hoping my charms would make you fall into my arms," Nicky quipped through the glass. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

"Charms. Hm. Is that what you call when I lose gracefully to you?" I said, picking myself up from the infirmary bed to approach her. 

"You're attempting to catch me is exceptional," she said with a smile. A bell rang from the upper building. I glanced at my watch.

"I might need to go, for now, Nicky. But I will pick up training for tomorrow. Thanks for protecting me from Yui's intern," I said, picking up my class backpack and throwing a wave at Nicky. She gently waved back. 


Cameras replayed the fight in the gym, with Maya wrapping her arms around Nicky to teleport over to the bleachers. Yui's gaze zoomed in on the glow that wrapped around the red-haired cyborg after the fight. 

Maya walked with Nicky outside to the infirmary, with the glow still permeating over Nicky. 

"She's the one," Yui said to a nurse across the table. 

"Yes. We're on a mission. So please keep to your post, Yui, on the general's orders," Chiya said, pushing the papers across to the president. 

"I understand in accepting her. But we have severe attacks at our high school, isn't that more important? The students could get hurt," Yui asked with desperation, reaching into her voice. 

"We are doing what we can to ease the attacks. Train Maya to control her powers, and we'll take care of the rest." 

"I will. But it seems her powers are connected to strong bonds.  It requires more than training and getting to know her well enough." Yui said, going through the footage at the glow from Nicky. 



'Are you kidding me!'

Nicky shot a ball of energy at Yui.

I immediately surrounded her with electric currents rising like a wall pushing the ball aside.

"What the hell," I said, glaring at Yui.

"I had to see something. Your powers react quickly when someone's in danger. But not like how you defended Nicholas yesterday. Almost like you adapt according to whoever you protect," she reaches down to pull out her wristwatch.

My head turned to Nick when she approached us on the mat.

"It may seem that way. But she packed a punch. So I went with my gut. It could have been a lot worse," I winced with my hands grasping my stung face. 

"Readings indicate that the maneuver you pulled was off the charts and controlled. So I'm going to pick up training from here, I have a similar power.  Is that okay with you, Maya?" Yui asked, ignoring Nicky approaching Yui.

"Is that wise, Yui? She needs to meditate and get acquainted with her powers calmly." Nicky said to Yui, that glanced in her direction. 

"Yes. However, on-the-job training with me will get her acquainted with her powers. Thank you for your input. Chiya mentioned your mission to me, and I want to prepare you for what's coming." 

Nicky nodded and left to pick up the equipment on the ground. 

"Yeah. I'm ready for the next step. Nicky has trained me well enough," I said and began picking up the dummies on the floor. 

"Good. We can pick up from there on the next mission. Be ready for an 8:00 p.m. meet-up at the council's room."

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