Advance Training

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"Generate a force field around us like a bubble," Yui explained with her arms guiding my hands in an arc.

"I don't know if that's the right way to go about this," I said pulling out my hands with sparks flying from the fingertips.

Nicky stood opposite of us with a cannon. She saluted Yui with her red hat. She gave me a thumbs up from her position.

I waved in her direction as I listened to Yui's crazy plan.

"You can do this. Nicholas told me you did it before," I stopped waving at Yui's conclusion.

"That's with Nicky. We haven't been on the field much. I have to take into account you as an extra part for protection," I alluded to the space in front of me.

"Then we'll learn as we go." She said going in front of the cannon.

"Are you serious?!" I yelled at her as the cannon started to swell with energy. The machine began to growl in hunger.

"Definitely serious," she said with her eyes closed. My hairs started to rise up and I saw that she was standing directly in front of the shot.
Early that week....

I was slammed into the padded floors. My crumpled body stilled into the familiar depression I had left from the many falls Nicky showed me. She offered her hand and I slowly got up back onto my feet.

"Thanks for showing the basics. But I don't think I have more energy to give my best again after 60 attempts," I said leaning into her. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I know. My first time I was sore for a full day. But you're doing pretty good holding up and once we get through the first few weeks. It'll be easier," Nicky said pulling out a controller from her bags.

"So is your full name Nicholas or code for something," I asked her at another training session in the gym.

She wore a black assemble and pulled out a red controller from her left pocket.

"Agent name. But you can call me Nicky or Nick," she pointed the controller to a wall.

The room turned into small islands. I looked around at the floating houses. Nicky turned to face me with a smile.

"Alright let's play a game as a break from the usual. Guess which is the real me. If you win, we can call practice early, and if you lose. You'll have to help with something," she said multiplying before my eyes.

"You're on," I smirked with my hands beginning to spark. She then clapped her hands together.

The room darkened into a purple hue.

"We're in a virtual setting. So do your best to tag me with your zaps. If you can even extend it in one direction," she taunted. Before disappearing into the small buildings that floated on islands.

I quickly jumped onto a floating island above my head. The small house had several clones resting on a couch. I thrusted my fist to their sitting position. Their bodies burst into sparkles.

"Let's see if you can keep up," she ran through the walls as I fell through on the other side of the couch. I shook the dust off and headed out the door to jump onto a rising island. My eyes drifted over to the clones standing a few steps away.

"Come on Sparky. I'm right here," She sat on the edge with her legs dangling.

"You're probably not the real one. So I'm going to go and search for the others. Thanks for the warning," I prepared to run and jump off the island. But a loud bang was heard from the entrance of the gym. The walls turned red as I looked over to see a red-head walk-in in black armor.

"Hello?" I said before my face met her metal fist. I fell off the island with Nicky yelling in my direction. My back hit the mat with a loud slap.

"Yui chose you. Seems like she made a mistake," a girl with red hair spat at my feet, while looking me up and down. I slowly got up and held my right cheek.

"Okay. Miss pretentious. I have other things to do. Nick, thanks for the practice again," I said over my shoulder and began to walk past her from a distance.

She  ran up to my retreating and grabbed my shoulder. The girl shoved herself towards me.

"You think you can steal Yui from me. Well, you're dead wrong noob," she said in a lower growl.

I let out a string sigh.

'I seriously need a break from meeting anymore people' I thought before a left hook swung into my side. I fell down holding my stomach.

The redhead stood over me with a pointed smile. She brought her fists together and they burned into white torches.

"You're weak. But come on show me what you got before I yank your status as 2nd best in the unit."

"Leave her alone, Zaira. She has nothing to do with you or Yui's partnership. She's here to help us get to the goal," Nick said walking up towards the girl.

I looked over to Nick trying to calm the new opponent as I regained my breath.

"I don't think so. She's part of the system and I can legally fight for her position. So Nicholas. Step aside or be scrapped," she said bringing her hands together to form a giant flaming sword that made her pigtails turn into lanterns.

Nick pushed herself in front of my form. I looked at her. She frowned looking between me and Zaira.

"If that's what it takes, I don't mind because I know the end goal. But you can't see it, Zaira. So again, I beg you to talk this with Yui," she said to Zaira who only grew redder.

The tension grew as Nick raised their arms to shield me from Zaira with a pink force field.

'Why do confrontations lead to such disasters' I looked at my palms and sparks began to form in time to see the fiery blade get caught in Nicks's bubbly shields.

I stumbled back. I felt a sharp pain go down to my chin. An iron taste engulfed my tongue.

"Learn from the pain. Maybe you'll make a decent dummy," she said after each hit inside the bubble.

Nick had scratches forming on her arms as if the barrier was connected to her.

"I'm sorry Nicky. But hold on." I wrapped my arms around them and begin to twist the electric currents.

'I am lucid dreaming. Imagine the exit outside this bubble. Away from the flame engulfed Gym mat and into the blue stands'

A blue circle engulfed my hands and soon blinded us. Suddenly we went through a dark hole and fell onto a matted seat

"Nicky?" I saw my friend and I helped them up.

"What happened here!" Yui shouted at us as she pulled on the sprinklers against the wall to stop the flames.

"A friendly spar," I said placing Nicky over my shoulder.

"Really, then why are you bleeding," she gestured to my face. I wiped it off. Her eyes narrowed at Zaira toweling off the red mess.

"I can explain," Zaira said to Yui.

"No. You have strict orders to stay away. This is an important mission. You. Are. Dismissed," Yui gestured to the gym doors.

Zaira left in a burst of red light.

Nick and I walked out the gym doors. Yui slid towards Nicks's side and wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd be here early." She began to explain.

"Yui. Please. Save it." Nicky said to her and pushed herself off from the support.

"I-." She stopped mid-sentence and turned to me.

"Take her to the infirmary down the hall on the right. You and I will meet tomorrow here. Take care both of you," she said with finality.

I nodded with a wince showing on my face.

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