17:they'll never take us alive

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-Veronica's pov-

The next day I meet with fearless records, and after a long few hours I get signed. I go back to Chris' and i's home and the band is there. I blurt out "hey Chris why don't we just get married in vegas" the guys shout at the same time "yes!!!!" Chris smiles and says " i'd love that, Princess. We'll have to go get our marriage license." i say "how about we do it this weekend, the guys and your parents coming with us, we could leave thursday." Chris agrees and we start planning it. He was going to drive with the band and his parents and I were going to fly.

Thursday came so fast. I got my things, and snuck off to Chirs' parent's house and picked them up. We head to the airport, and get onto the plane. Chris and the guys left a few days ago so we can get there at the same time. We land and Ricky meets us at the airport. He gets our things and makes sure to handle my dress from new years eve with care. He Drops Chris' mom and I off  at the courthouse, and we meet Chris inside. We get our marriage license within a few hours and  go to find a small church to have the wedding at. We finally find one, set it up for the next day and head back to the hotel. The guys and Chris' dad were chilling in our suite. I say "ricky! Vinny! Get your asses off the bed and come here!" they come running, and i say "how would you two like to walk me down the aisle?" they say simultaneously "Yes!!" they hug me.

That night I slept in Chris' parents room with his mom, and his dad slept in the room with him. I wake up super early the next morning and his mom and I start getting ready. We head to the church and there I get my dress on. I hear the guys come in, laughing. I'm nervous and excited. Chris's mom picks up on it. She asks "sweetie what's wrong?"  i turn to her and say "i'm a little scared." she says "don't worry sweetheart, i was too when i got married. But what got me through was remembering I was marrying the love of my life. Plus we love you. My husband's parents hated me." that comforted me. Vinny and Ricky came in. Ricky says "are you re- wow you look stunning veronica." i smile and say "thank you and yes i'm beyond ready.

We get ready. I started to walk down the aisle, i'm looking at Chris the whole time, he had tears in his eyes, and he was smiling. I make it to the end, and he grabs my hands. I joined him on the raised stage. The preacher get to the vows we chose to do the standard vows. The preacher says "you may now kiss the bride." Chris raises the small veil I had and smashes his lips onto mine. Everyone cheers, he picks me up and carries me down the aisle.

We got into the limo, Chris covered my face as the paparazzi were taking pictures of us. We head back to the hotel and Chris warns everyone that the paparazzi was outside. I admire my wedding ring. It was simple. I didn't want anything too big anyways. We rushed into the hotel through the back door, and got to our hotel room before anyone noticed. We spend the night together, and alone in the hotel room. The next day, we fly home sneakily. When we got home and turned on the news we saw the headline 'Chris Curelli gets married in vegas, to a secret lover.' I laugh at the headline.  He says "what are you laughing at mrs.Curelli your my secret lover." i say "it's so obvious though, i wore the same dress that i wore on new years. And hearing you call me Mrs.Curelli will never get old." I made sure I let my record label know of  me and Chris was getting married and they approved. I cuddle up next to my  now husband. Ash burst through the door. And said "you know that was a real dick move you guys pulled, but i love it!" we both laugh. Chris says "I bet the record label isn't happy." Ash says "they are talking about dropping you guys, after the tour."

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now