1:Break free (from) your curiosity

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-Veronica's pov-

I showed up to this meeting with a bands manager, he wouldn't tell me who until we had the meeting. I was wearing a motionless in white shirt that I cropped black acid washed ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots. I go in with my portfolio in the hand of different bands I photographed. When I go in I see none other than all of motionless in white sitting there, and I go pale. Ricky goes "you look like you have seen a ghost, are you ok?" I say "yeah, just wasn't expecting it to be one of my favorite bands." I sit down in front of Chris and he studies my features.

Their manager looks at my portfolio and passes the pictures around. Their manager also known as Kris says to me " start packing, tour starts in two weeks.'' I went wide-eyed and Chris chuckled. I get up and leave, not before getting all the guys' numbers. Chris texts me 'it was great to finally meet you. ;)' i text back ' it was great to meet you too :p' oblivious to Chris' obvious flirting. I go home and start packing. Having to pack my life into a suitcase and backpack was hard. But I was living my dream. I get a couple of texts from Chris saying 'you're going to have so much fun on tour with us." with devil horns. I text back ' not as much fun as you will having me on tour' i look at the next text from Vinny saying ' Chris is over here fucking smiling wtf.' i text back 'blow him a kiss for me will ya?" and finally I look at the text Ricky sent. It said 'what the fuck did you do to Chris?' i sent back ' don't worry about it ;)'

I get a video message from Vinny, I watch it and start dying at Chris's reaction. I sent him a video of me dying from laughter. Chris texts me 'not funny, you're going to get it now love ;)' i text back 'bring it on Chrissy :*' i spend the next two weeks texting the band. The night before Chris fucking Ceruli facetimes when I have a face mask on. I get an idea and answer it. Putting my face sideways he jumps. And I start laughing so hard I snort. Which caused him to start laughing and me to blush. I take off the face mask, and we talk all night. Even when I cooked food. I leave my phone in my room set up on my desk while I take a shower. I forgot he was on the phone and dropped my towel and he said "Veronica, did you forget I was on the phone." I went fully red and covered up. And run over to my phone putting it face up on my desk and get dressed. I hear Chris dying from laughter.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now