3: Watch your fucking language!

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-veronica's pov-

It's been a few months since we started touring and Chris and I have been flirting back and forth the whole time. I got really close with Vinny, and Ricky. My birthday is tomorrow and I refuse to let the guys make a big deal of it. I was working on my laptop when it crashed. "Fuck this piece of shit!" i yell and justin yells back "watch your fucking language!" i yell back "then get me a new laptop fucker, and i will!" Everyone starts laughing at us. I'm glad I have a hard drive to save all my pictures on. Ricky grabs my laptop and throws it onto the floor. And screams "fuck you for giving up on veronica. No one gives up on my little sister!" I started dying from laughter. I say "Chris wasn't wrong, this tour has been the best tour I have ever been on."  I went outside for a bit, as I wanted to take pictures before the show.

Chris comes out, and sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I tense up but relax when he says "relax ronnie, it's just me." I spin around and look up at him.  I lay my head on his chest. I smile because he was wearing my favorite cologne he owns. I look up at him and ask "do you want to do my makeup?" he smiles and says "i'd love too ronnie." we head back inside and he does my make up, vinny wanted to pick out my outfit. Chris finishes my makeup, and I put on the outfit Vinny picked out. Which consisted of a low cut motley crue crop top, black ripped skinny jeans, and platform shoes. I straighten my hair. I look at myself and actually feel confident, for the first time in a long time.

I went out to the front lounge and everyone saw me,their jaws dropped. Ricky says with a sassy gay voice "damn girl you look stunning" and snaps his fingers causing me to laugh. We go do the show, and I see my ex best friend Pete davidson. He doesn't see me, so I go to my usual spot on the side of the stage, and start taking pictures. When the show was over we hung around the venue reeking havoc. When I see Pete Davidson walking up to us. Vinny started growling at him. I lightly slap his arm and whisper "be nice Vinny." Pete comes over and says "Ronnie can we talk please?" I said "sure" and we took a walk.

Pete says "Ronnie, I'm truly sorry, I shouldn't have said the things I did." i say "i forgave you a long time ago, I'm sorry Pete." i get a text from Vinny saying 'if he hurts you ronnie, i'll kill em.' I chuckle. Pete says "do they treat you well." i say "they do, shh don't tell anyone but i might have a huge crush on Chris the singer." right as Chris walks by, smirking. I shake my head. "Too late" Pete says we both laugh. We swap phone numbers, and I take a few photos of Pete. i show Pete the pictures, and he says "Ronnie you're amazing. I shouldn't have doubted you." i say "thank you Pete. I reference your jokes quite a lot to the boys." he says "oh really?"

We talked for a bit longer, and parted ways. I headed back to the bus and no one was there but Chris. He was sitting there, waiting for me. He got up, came over, put his hands on my face. He kisses me aggressively yet passionately. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his waist. We kiss until someone clears their voice. We turn and see Vinny, and Ricky standing there. I blush like crazy, and bury my head into Chris' chest. Vinny says excitedly "i ship it! You two would be so cute together." Ricky says "if one of you hurts the other, i will hurt you" i just look at Ricky like really.  Vinny then yells outside "Justin you owe me a hundred bucks and a bottle of jack daniels mothefucker!"

Later that night, I'm laying in my bunk, having trouble sleeping. I have been having nightmares about my ex. When I finally go to sleep, I have another nightmare, he's beating on me. I scream "no! Stop! Please!"

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now