35: I've still got blood on my hands and on guilt on my conscience

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-Veronica's pov-

Chris has been hinting at moving closer to my dad. Like sending me pictures of houses on farms. The latest one he sent me, I fell absolutely in love with.  It's a two-story five-bedroom house with an incomplete basement and a huge Kitchen with four bathrooms which I will hate to clean, and it had 45+ acres for the kids to get into trouble on. So we could build a small recording studio and maybe an office. He goes back to tour in a few days so he asked me to check it out with my dad and the kids. The Twins were excited, as was i. It means both Chris' parents and my dad wouldn't have to go very far to come to see us.  The boys have been considering moving back to their hometown anyway.

I didn't want to tell anyone yet because it wasn't a sure thing yet. But knowing my dad he has already told everyone in the world that his daughter and her family were moving to Quantico, Virginia. So he could see us more.  I got a call from Aria.

Aria  Ronnie

Hey! Are you okay?

Yeah, Ronnie, I'm great. Just got some pretty great news actually, but I did wanna talk to you about something.

Okay. What's up?

So I just got off the phone with my dad, and I was informed that you might be moving to Quantico.

Maybe, we're not really sure yet, but we're thinking about it. You're mad...aren't you?

A little upset, yeah, But angry? No. I get it.

You do?

Wanting to be closer to friends and family? Yeah, absolutely. That's why I moved to LA, that and better work opportunities.

Oh. Well yeah, we're not sure yet, but I'll let you know what happens, yeah?

Sounds good. Love you long time.

Love you too. Don't die on me, for the love of God.

Didn't plan on it.

We hung up, and I helped Chris finish packing for the tour. I put a family photo and a picture of our unborn son in his suitcase. I always do this because I know how hard touring is on him. He leaves tomorrow and the girls and I leave the next day to go see my dad and check out the house.  My dad has constantly been calling and checking in on us. I love him but sometimes it gets annoying because we live in different time zones. Chris and I hear a loud bang outside of the house. It was so loud it woke the girls up. I ran to them and grabbed them running downstairs to the safest place, Chris followed on the phone with the cops. When they got here they came in. telling us it was safe to come out. We went outside and saw my car had been blown up and the front of the house was tagged with 'traitor'. I know who has done this.

And I was going to bring him down.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now