32: I'm eternally yours

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-Veronica's pov-

I was cooking lunch for Chris and i before they headed back to touring when i got a call from Aria

Veronica   Aria


Hi, I have a super weird question that you might be able to answer for me.

Okay shoot.

I'm trying to finish up this tour Graphic. Is motionless touring with parx in the UK?

shit , i'm gonna hurt Chris for not telling you guys, but yes they are. I decided to take the kids to visit while you guys away.

Okay wonderful! I'm really hoping we don't have to deal in drama this time around, but only god knows with our management.

Yeah, that's why I'm happy that I got signed with fearless, but I got some exciting news.

Oh? Do tell?

I'm going on tour with sleeping with sirens, and pierce the veil next year.

Oh my god! That's so exciting! Send me pictures, lots of them.

Definitely, and I get to bring the twins with me, I'm beyond excited!

I could imagine! Okay, I gotta go finish this Graphic and get Awsten out of bed. He's spent almost everyday in bed since after the wedding. Kinda worrisome.

Ok let me know how that goes! Love ya!

Love ya too!

We got off the phone and I finished lunch. Chris and I ate and I went to feed the twins. I get a call from my real dad. I answer it. "Hello" i say and he immediately goes "ok so i might have told the team you would bring the twins into the office when you get here." i chuckle and say "dad!" he says "I'm excited to have grandchildren! I showed them the picture of you, your husband and the twins and Hotch went 'what is he in a heavy metal band'" i started dying from laughter and say "yo you should put him on, so i could confirm he is." i hear David yell 'yo hotch come here!' and he says "here you tell him." I hear hotch on the other end and say "hello." i say "well, well, well isn't it the infamous 'what is he in a heavy metal band' Hotchner. And yes he is." I can hear my dad dying from laughter. Oh was spending time with my dad going to be fun. Hotchner hands my dad back his phone and we talk for a bit.

I take the girls downstairs to the living room to play. I see Chris cleaning the Kitchen. I say "i would have cleaned up." he says "it's only fair you cooked an amazing lunch. So i decided to clean." I told him the whole phone conversation. And he dies at what my dad's coworker said. I'm going to miss Chris a lot but I was excited  to spend time with my dad. I had to pack the twins' suitcases. And mine as well.  Chris has been very distracting when the girls are sleeping.

-time skip to tour and shit-

I had just landed with the twins in virginia. I texted Chris to let him know we made it safely. And called my dad to help with the bags. He comes rushing over to us, with Hotchner closely behind him. We hug and he gets down to make faces at the girls. They start giggling at him. They help me with the bags and we head to this giant black suv. I get the car seats into the car, my dad tries to help. It only caused us fuss. We made it to the BAU, and when we went in with the twins. We were immediately swarmed by the whole BAU team.  My dad introduced me to the whole team.

Morgan goes " so how does a pretty thing, like yourself end up with twins and no ring on their finger." i looked down and thought 'Chris you fucker.' i say "oh no i am it's just my husband took the ring to get it resized." he says "gotcha." and winks at me.i just shake my head at him.  My dad says "bro you should see the guy, i like him but he is scary." i start dying and say "not when you get to know him, and especially not around our daughters." Penelope goes "ooo did you guys have a big wedding?" I sigh and  say "unfortunately no, we got married at a small church with close family, and friends."   We all talk for a while until the girls get fussy. I say "excuse me the girls are hungry. Dad, is there anywhere I can Breastfeed?" He escorts me and the girls to his office, and closes the door. He goes to talk to the rest of the team except Hotchner while I do. I get done and as I start to cover myself up, Hotchner bursts in not looking. And when he does he gets embarrassed, as do i. Everyone is dying from laughter.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now