66. Lessons to Learn

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Chapter 66 - Lessons to Learn

"Alrigh' e'eryone," Hagrid's voice boomed through the silence of the forest, making both Circe jump onto my foot and Tenebrus buck under my grooming. "Class dismissed. See yeh Tuesday where we're movin' on t' Tebos. So no need ter bring yer groomin' kits, but yeh have ter bring yer textbooks, yeah?"

The two other students who had dared to take the class nodded to themselves before they moved to take their thestrals deeper into the forest - we had to do this after every class, which usually made us a little bit late for the next one...a common complaint that Hagrid always seemed to forget when the time came to dismiss us. I moved to talk to him and check up; Hagrid had been having a hard time the past few weeks so I knew someone should comfort him...I just wish it didn't have to be me who did it. Since Harry, Ron, and Hermione were at odds with him after not taking his class, however, it appeared it was all up to me.

"How's Aragog?" I asked carefully. I didn't necessarily like the acromantula that had actively tried to have us killed, but I could tell that Hagrid was upset about the sickness of such a close...friend. His eyes were constantly swollen as if he had recently been crying - which he probably had been - and he had hardly said anything during classes. There were no notes, no praises, no friendly chatter that was usually completely unbefitting a teacher but was just how Hagrid was. It was very unlike him to be so distant; this is why I was not surprised when he started to sniffle.

"No' good, Audrey, no' good."

"Is there anything..." I trailed off, not really able to bring myself to finish the sentence. There wasn't anything I really wanted to help with, but I felt a little humbled after everything that had happened last night. I guess that happens when you find out that you're the most selfish creature in a school full of people. It really did make things around you seem more solemn.

"Nah, he don' want ter take potions," he sniffled more loudly. I couldn't help but look over my shoulder to ensure that the two other girls in the class had left. "He's a brave thin', Aragog."

Circe, still at my feet, bristled. She was not Aragog's greatest fan either.

"Well let me know, you know, how he is..." I felt awkward during this attempt at kindness - it certainly wasn't natural and though I had been holding back many insults over the past few months, this one seemed even less genuine. Maybe I was trying too hard? Or had my kindness always sounded this awkward considering I was usually forcing it?

"Yer a good kid, Audrey," the giant man clapped his hand on my shoulder and nearly made my knees buckle, when he did it a second time I was surprised my kneecaps hadn't shattered.

"Thanks, Hagrid," I winced, pulling away from him so that I could make sure there wouldn't be any other injuries for the day. "I'll see you on Tuesday, yeah?"

He could do nothing but whimper and nod, a new wave of tears on its way. I made sure to grab hold of Circe and hustle out of there before they hit - it didn't matter how nice I was being by practice; I was no good with handling tears.

It was by luck that I would not be late for my next class, considering Trelawney had "forseen" she would be ill and had taken the day off. It left me with a free period - Firenze was busy teaching the third years, today - so I took to meandering around the school. It was always nicest, when I didn't have to worry about someone hexing me or bothering me. Not many others were dumb enough to take a class that Trelawney taught for half the week so it was comforting that I didn't need to worry about running into people who I didn't already know would be in class or in the common room.

Circe kept me very aware of whenever someone was coming close. It was easy to duck into an alcove or just move away from them whenever Circe began to hiss - it appeared everyone was the enemy now and my poor kneazle seemed stressed to the core.

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