9. The Hospital Wing

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Chapter Nine - The Hospital Wing

"Ugh," I groaned at my terrible attempt to form words. I was cotton-mouthed which was only, however, possible if my mouth was still attached to my skull. This seemed impossible considering the maddening throb that consumed me so I took a few moments to try again. "Please Merlin, tell me that I'm dead. If I'm not dead than kill me because whatever I am feeling is much, much more painful."

I moaned at my ill attempt, not even daring to open my eyes knowing that I was about to be ridiculed for my statement which had hardly sounded like one from the English language. My mouth felt like sandpaper now that I had tried to swallow and I was surprised to hear my own voice filter into my ears. The amount of pain I was in suggested that I had survived my trauma - though I was having a little bit of difficulty remembering exactly of what the trauma consisted.

"Oh thank Godric!"

"Thank Salazar!"

"Audrey's alive! Everyone, everyone she's awake!"

"Chipper as ever, mate?"

"Can I hug her?"

"No you can't hug her, idiot."

"When has she died that she can know what she's feeling is worse than death?"

"It's assumed." I grumbled, now not able to keep my eyes closed. Around me was a haze of red, then splotches of other colours - browns. Something told me that this was not simply because I should have been wearing the glasses Dudley had snapped, but also because my body was not working properly. The figures hovering over me gave me time to blink and focus my eyes until I could understand who was looking down on me.

The haze of reds were obviously the Weasley's - Ginny, Ron, and the twins. Hermione and Theo were the spots of brown and Daphne stood out as the wheat blonde at the side. I felt instantly claustrophobic and nauseous when I saw the crowd and closed my eyes. "Everyone take two steps back."

"I told you that you couldn't hug her," Ron mumbled to Ginny while everyone did as I asked. I took a few moments to feel like I could breathe again and worshipped it by taking such big breaths that I became lightheaded. Looking at each of them I saw the anxiousness behind their expressions - I rolled my eyes.

"Go on, then. Yell at me."

"What were you thinking?" Hermione began, ready as ever to jump in with her opinion. "You had a premonition about something going wrong and you continued through anyway?"

"Hermione-" George began, but any more complaint had been overpowered by another voice.

"You knew at breakfast, didn't you? That was the vision you had, you selfish prat-"

"Daphne," Theodore moaned. "Just because Audrey was a complete and utter moron-"

"Shut up, Nott!" Ginny glowered. "She was being brave."

"She wasn't being brave," Fred frowned. "She was being spiteful."

"So what? I pulled through, clearly." I interrupted the ranting, my head falling back onto the pillows, exhaustion already kicking in again. Just as clearly as having pulled through, I obviously was not yet healed.

"Barely!" Hermione squeaked. "You hardly finished the task on your own - the teachers were running to your aid when the dragon pulled that...that stunt."

"What stunt?" I asked, blinking. Everyone blinked back at me.

"You don't remember what happened?" Fred and George asked in sync. I blinked again, looking out to the window and wincing from the bright glare of the cloudy day.

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