Chapter 3: Grandpa

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As Suzann stepped out of the taxi she felt at home immediately with the smell of lilies and lavender. The air was so clean and she could see the pond off in the distance. There on the white painted wood porch in the rocking chair sat her smiling Grandpa.

Jonathan ran to him, and the others followed as they hurried onto the porch to give Grandpa a hug. Suzann could feel his love and warmth surround her. Grandpa "I've missed you so much."
Grandpa answered, "I've missed you all too.Jonathan how you've grown," and to Matthew, "I'm surprised to see you wearing trousers. Have you outgrown your suits?" Then to Suzanne, he said, "You remind me more and more of your grandmother every time I see you." He smiled a puzzled smile and then asked,
"Where is Nanny?" Suzann giggled then said,
"She got left at the train station." Still confused and surprised he said with a grin
"Tell me the whole story," so they told him everything.

When the story was finished he said mysteriously "I think you're ready," Suzann got excited and asked,
"Ready for what Grandpa?" he smiled and said,
"For cookies! But, I'm not sure if Johnny needs more sweets then he's already had" Grandpa smiled looking at Jonathan's sticky face and grubby clothes. Johnny just moaned.

Then Matthew asked "What kind of cookies?" Grandpa smiled sadly
"Your Grandma's favorite cookies ...snickerdoodle." He looked down to the ground then lifted his head back up and exclaimed "Let's go before the cookies burn," Grandpa picked up sticky Jonathan, tickled him, and said, "They might be burnt already." Jonathan exclaimed

"No...! No...! Hurry! Burnt cookies aren't my favorite." Grandpa smiled laughing and said,

"He's just like Grandma, she never liked burnt cookies either. Well, inside we go," so they all shuffled through the door toward the smell of warm snickerdoodles.

The smell reminded her of her grandmother's cookies, which triggered memories of the past.

Memories of how her Grandmother had taught her how to knit. She was such a patient teacher. Grandma had sat in the corner in the old mahogany rocking chair. Suzann kneeled by her side watching her intently. The knitting needles were sleek and shiny as a mirror. She knitted the soft and fuzzy yarn and it reminded Suzann of animal fur. She could see Matthew, Grandma, Grandpa, and herself at the cherry coffee table playing checkers. Without Grandma, the house was so different.

Grandpa shouted warmly but just as loudly as ever to the kids telling them "The cookies are done!" Suzanne was snapped out of the dream. She realized that she was crying both happy and sad. She quickly dried her eyes and yelled delightfully back to him

"I'm coming Grandpa." She saw the mischievous little boy at her feet and said with a hush falling down to her knees to be the same height as him, "Oh! Don't tell Grandpa, you nosey little boy. Grandpa will be so worried and beg me to tell him what I was crying about!" She said with a serious face. "I'll even give you my cookie," she bribed.

The little boy gave her a face that needed no words, "Oh sissy you don't need to give me your cookie. I won't tell Grandpa, I promise," and he held up his little finger offering her a pinky promise. With that, Suzann caught him up in her arms and said

"You little angel." She wrapped her little finger around his to complete the ritual. Then Jonathan and Suzann walked to the table to join the rest of the family.

The table was cherry to match the coffee table. It was bearing Grandma's small china plates for the cookies, so no crumbs would be spilled. The napkins were as delicate as a cloud. It was all so perfect, being home with all the people she loved.

After getting ready for bed they heard their Grandfather yell warmly,

"It's storytime, now, hurry." They all obeyed blindly following their Grandfather to the big bedroom that all the kids would be sharing. Grandpa led them into the bedroom and sat down on the floor to start the story. In a second the story was over and they all went into their own beds and fell asleep with no more than a murmur.

Told ya! This week is your lucky week if you like my story! Thanks and that's about it! Adios!

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