Chapter 5: The Past

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Years ago humans could not do real magic unless they were born a wizard or a witch. Then one day, one human, Xavier, learned of three Mystical Islands. Xavier learned of these islands from an explorer who had been surveying these Islands for years until he retired. Xavier bought the map of the Mystical Islands so he could go. After purchasing the map, Xavier did a lot of research on the Islands. He found out that in the past, the creatures on the Islands thought that they were better than humans and that whenever the humans refused to do something for the creatures that they would attack the human's homes and kill their livestock making their lives horrible by cursing them.

As Xavier did more research, he also found out the Mythical Creature had sources of magic. If you took these sources from them, you would be blessed with wealth, health, and good fortune. It would also drain the magic out of the Islands making whatever lived on those Islands fall into a deep, never-ending sleep.

     Xavier decided immediately that he had to go to the king and tell him of the danger and the power of the Islands. Xavier would explaine why they needed to go into war with the Islands to get these important artifacts. At first, the king was not so sure about going to war with an unknown civilization with magic to kill livestock and curse you and your family for the rest of eternity. However, he gave in as soon as he heard about all the power the Artifacts would give him. He would be invincible against all the other countries. He could conquer them all! They started planning the journey immediately.

"The Mystical Islands are 8,040 miles away."     
Explained Xavier looking intently at the map pointing  at everything on the map to show the king what exactly he was talking about

"And if we are blessed with good weather then our ships should reach the islands in about a month or so." The king looked pleased and surprised that Xavier  knew a lot about these islands, war, and ships. To be entirely truthful, the king might know half as much about the Islands as this peasant boy who had spent most of his life farming. However, no one needed to know. Xaiver had a total of ten thousand men that were qualified to go to war with him. 

A month later

Xavier and his men made their way through the crowded marketplace to get to the docks to start their journey to the Mystical Islands. When they arrived, the docks were filled with the soldier's wives and children. They all quickly waved their last goodbyes, because some of the soldiers on this mission would not be coming back from the war.
Xavier and his men boarded the boat looking down at their friends and family waving their handkerchiefs in the air, most crying.

They set sail east. The first five days of sailing were smooth and calm as assumed when they all had planned this attack. However, as they started to get farther away from Surcumbus,  and closer to other islands, which were closer to the Mystical Islands the weather got worse and worse. So they headed to boa hoping to go there and give Morning Glory a rest on shore and to make sure she was ready to start on their journey so they set sail to Boa

Soarise Beckett noticed this weather change right away and alerted Xavier about it so they could plan ahead; they both decided that they would head to Boa, Beth's home town and see if the weather would get better.  When the weather got better they would resume their course to the Mystical Islands. The rain was not as bad as Beth thought the weather would only be sprinkling a little and the waves were normal. However, as soon as they got more and more east  there was more bad weather so they changed their course to Boa which was south-east from Surcumbus. they however got closer and closer to the Islands the weather got worse. After four days they were anchoring on shore when they got on the beach Beth yelled

"Follow me and you might want to leave the soldiers in Morning Glory" she yelled at Xavier
"Why?" Xavier asked

"Because my people are not used to many new people" she answered

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