Chapter 15: The great war

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After Altar had used his magic to clean up the kitchen and get the Dasiis up Dasiis are little elf like creatures they will do your bidding as long as you treat them well, provide them with a home and food.

"Aparum, please start to make us some food?" Altar asked in a nice tone.

"Yes sir, we will be right on it, sir," Aparum said looking at the rest of the Dasiis and commanding them,

"Come on, you heard the boss! Get to work! Dipu , I'm mostly talking to you, no more eating the food!" There was a little Dasii and he was sitting in the corner nibbling on a piece of cheese. His already chubby cheeks stretched to their capacity as he quickly stuck the rest of the cheese in his mouth.

Suzann just smiled as the door closed and she was shown to her seat at the table. The table had to have at least 100 chairs since it was holding all the Mythical creatures that had shown up. Suzann spotted Centers, Fairy quarreling with the Pixies, Naiads, and one large talking Griffin at the end of the table. Elves and Dwarfs talking to each other about everything, and little Mushroom people. There was a big quarrel going on, and not just between the Fairies and Pixies. The whole table was arguing, many of the creachers argued that they should just give up and hide. While the other side insisted upon fighting if they didn't all want to sleep forever. Again the scared side said that they had Suzann, Matthew, Jonathan, and that they would be able to keep on giving power to the Islands. Then Altar spoke,

"The children can not keep on doing this forever. First of all, if they did this every day they would eventually die of illness. Second, they can not stay here forever because this is not their real home. Lastly, it is not the childrens job to give their lives to keep us alive, when we do not even want to fight for our own lives!" The beings quieted at Altars inspiring yet firm speech. The creachers whispered among themselves while Suzann sat listening to their conversations, awaiting their agreement.

One Pixie spoke up to Altar who had been sitting and watching the rest of the beings slowly start to agree. "That is a very inspiring speech, Altar, but none of us have fought in ages. And last I remembered the soldiers working for Margret have been training since they were younglings. How could we even think of going against them?" Altar sighed as the majority of the room nodded, wanting an answer to the Pixies argument.

"My people I do agree with Lanie, that is why we should stop this arguing and start the training." Lanie lifted an eyebrow as she thought about what Altar said,

"What kind of training..." Lanie said, staring down Altar suspiciously. Altar gave her an affectionate look. Then said,

"Well we are going to prepare ourselves for the worst. We may not know when the humans will arrive but we know that they will appear some time soon. So we must train ourselves in the art of combat, regane touch without powers, and relearn how to use them." Many of the creatures nodded their heads as Lanie continued to fight.
"But how are we going to relearn everything in perhaps one day!" Lanie again had another great point. Nonetheless, Altar had a better come-back.

"That is true Lanie. However, it also supports my idea that we should stop arguing and get to work as soon as we possibly can." Lanie sighed in defeat as she nodded with the rest of the organisms. All agreeing that Altar had the best idea if they wished to gain their home back. 

The first creature to stand up was a center and he said that his name was Cypress, He went on to say,

"I want to avenge an old friend of mine. I am in!" and After Cypress said that the rest followed and Cypress was the best Soldier all he went on to say every time someone complimented him was,
"I had a good teacher."

Then one day after many times of hearing about his teacher Suzann asked,

"Who is your teacher? I would like to meet them?" Suzann asked one day after Cypress had made one of his remarks.

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