Chapter 7: Beginning the Quest

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"Goodnight boys." Suzann yelled into the dark hallway, out came her brothers voice's,
"Goodnight Suzann." and another little voice being hidden by the big ones saying,
"Night, night sis!" That was Jounathans voice.

Suzann was walking through the dark corridor with nothing but a lamp to light her way. When Suzann got to her room she heard something. Suzann heard something very familiar. It was someone's voice?

Where do I know that voice from? Suzann thought. Then all of a sudden right as Suzann was closing the door to her room she heard the voice again it was blurred out from the storm outside but the tone of voice and how it was so motherly in a second Suzann knew whose voice it was. It was her mothers voice!

But it can't be! I-It's i-imposible! Suzann thought again.
You know what, I don't care! It may be impossible, but coming here would be thought impossible! And I'm here right now! Suzann though again. Suzann was crying now, trying to stop her crying by biting her lip.
I'm going! Suzann thought, making up her mind.

After grabbing a long shawl and relighting her lamp she set off towards the voice. At first she had no idea about where her mother was and how she was going to get to her, but she went on anyway. Luckily, after getting out of her room and back into the coriander she just felt like she had to go to the north wing of the castle. Suzann walked up the whining and whistling staircase all the way up to the North wing. Suzann noticed that the door was not made of gold this time, instead it was made of wood and iron.

After Suzann pushed the door open she saw her mother. She was in the same white gown that she had been wearing when she was put into her grave, but she was also glowing like a ghost or spirit. Florence was crying and saying,
"No, no, no, no!" Suzann was crying but she was crying from the happiness of being able to see her mother again.
"M-mom? I-is t-that you?" Suzanne's lip was quivering. Suzann thought that she was caught in a dream, but she hoped that she would never have to wake up.

"Suzie darling? Is that you Love?" Florence asked, looking at Suzann the crying started to stop.
"Yes, Mom. I've missed you so much. Why did you have to go?" Suzann sobbed.
"Oh! Suzie!" Florence yelled with happiness grabbing Suzann up into her arms and laughing. Suzann laughed too, hugging her mother as tightly as possible. Never wanting to let go
" Why look how you've grown! You look like such a young woman!" Florence's hand was wiping the loose strand of hair that had fallen between Suzanne's eyes.

"Suzie Darling you have to listen to me. I came here to tell you a secret message." Florence said, temporarily holding Suzann out and looking her in the eyes.
"What is it Mom?" Suzann asked.
"You can't always believe in what you see. Take  this to heart alright Suzie?" Florence said.
"I promise Mom." Suzann answered.
"Oh no," Florence said looking out the window into the crazed storm then looking back at Suzann and continuing, " I have to go now I'm not supposed to interfere with the living but I had to come and see you." Florence said, looking at Suzann tears starting to fall again.

"What? No! Already, You can't leave, not so soon I just barely got to see you again!" Suzann sobed again, tears streaming down her pink cheeks. Suzann could not go through this again she had gone through it once and that almost broke her. Why had she come here she should have known that she would just break again?

Florence put her warm hand on Suzanne's cold cheek whipping away the tears.
"My love I'm so sorry that I have to leave please forgive me?" Florence asked.
"Mommy no! Not again! Not again!" Suzann cried
"Goodbye Suzie Darling." Florence said for the last time, then she disappeared into thin air. Suzann was broken again. Her heart was breaking and she could not stand it. She did not want to have to live through this again.

Suzann was sitting on the ground crying looking down at the ground.
"Wh-why? Why d-did she leave me, again?" Suzann whispered angrily, Suzann felt numb. Like she could not feel anything.                                                                                                                                                       
"What did I ever do to deserve this! Huh?" Suzann screamed, she did not care if someone found her. All she wanted to do was sleep forever never waking up. Suzann had never done anything to deserve this pain.

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