Chapter 11: The Wizard

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"Sis, where is the soursarer?" Jounathan questioned, looking up at his sister. His eyes are full of inquisitiveness. For as long as Suzann could remember Jonathan had always been full of wonder and fascination.

"I don't know, but I do know that Matthews book that he brought will help." Suzann said looking at Matthew. Matthew was already searching for something in one of his books. Anything that could help would be great however, nothing was showing. The book was mostly about the war, how the humans had won the war and maps. Matthew had been looking for something for at least twenty minutes now. Jonathan was very bored and he could not go out of the dead meadow. Suzann was a little bit bored but she could deal with it better than her younger brother could.

"How do you know that the book has a map in it?" Mattthew asked. Suzann had suggested that they look through one of the more mythical books that Matthew had brought.

"I don't know if it has a map in it-" Suzann started, she had gotten up from her place under the tree and was digging through Matthews sack for the book. Originally Matthew had only brought it because Jounathan wanted something as a bedtime story and there weren't any bedtime books.

"Well then how would it help?" Matthew cut Suzann off. He wasn't normally like this, but right now he was frantic worrying that they would not be able to get off the islands. So he was trying to skip every book that he thought would be of no use.

Suzann gave him a look saying 'Do not cut me off.' Matthew looked down at the round in shame as he said, "Sorry, I'm just worried." Suzann's expression changed from an annoyed one to a soft and knowingful face in an instant.

"Don't worry I'm sure we can get off some time. " Suzann gave her brother a smile assuring him all would be well in the end. Then she continued to look through the sack while saying, "Now, as I was saying before. I was going to say that since it was kind of a secret between the highest ranking about the war. So they might tell the real story in a fantasy book or in forms of myths.

"Where is it? Ah, here it is." Suzann mumbled to herself. As she pulled out the book and brushed the food crumbs off it. The book's cover was made of leather and it had the words 'The History of the Mystical Islands' on the front. Everyone always thought this book was just a book full of myths that some madman had written.

Matthew rubbed his chin processing what Suzann said, nodding his head. "That is a very valid point Suzann, hand the book over." Suzann listened to Matthew handing the book over. Matthew grabbed the book then set it in his lap.

The new 'mythical' book rests on top of the previous book that Matthew was reading. Matthew was flipping through the books pages quickly. It never ceases to amaze Suzann at how quickly Matthew could read and comprehend a book.

Suzann had been sitting on the yellow grass picking at it in boredom. Matthew had been looking through the book for another twenty minutes. Jonathan had fallen asleep on the ground; he was too bored. Suzann was watching the creek gurgle and bubble, and Suzann swears that it had moved four feet in the time that Matthew had been reading.

Then Matthew yelled startling, Suzann so much that she almost fell all the way on the grass, " Ugh! Chapter four out of twenty and I'm already on page 122!" Matthew had let the book fall out of his lap onto the droopy grass below him.

"Shhhhhhh!" Suzann hushed pointing to Jonathan as he stirred on the ground. Matthew gave an apologetic glance then he groaned quietly to himself. Suzann was starting to get annoyed hearing her brother sigh and groan in frustration. So she started to crawl over saying,

Storyteller Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora