Chapter 14: Waking up

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When Suzan and her brothers got back to the Islands, Altar ran to them and gave them a hug and then asked,

"Did you find the Artifacts?" Altar was very excited, hoping that they would pull out the Artifacts and fix everything.

"Yes," Suzann started then she trailed off looking at the floor then continuing hesitantly "...but we did not get them." Suzann was bracing herself for Altar to yell at him but he didn't he merely sounded a little disappointed.

"Well, it would have surprised me if you guys had gotten the Artifacts from Arcanum the first time that you met him." Altar cheered up as he trailed off adding more to his previous sentence.

"Now we need to figure out how to get the Artifacts." Altar said slamming his hands together hopefully.

"I don't think that Arcanum will leave us in peace after he finds out we didn't die," Matthew said, sounding worried but his face was blank.

"What do you mean Matthew?" Altar asked.
"I'm saying that I think that Arcanum will come back and want war," Matthew said, his still worried face still emotionless.

"Oh, no I definitely agree with you, Matthew. Arcanum is the kind of spirit that once he finds a challenge he wants to get rid of the competition." Altar said as if he had expressed it personally.

"So, what do we do?"Suzan said, scared having experience of what Arcanum can do to your mind.

"Well, first we need to wake up the Islands if we want to have any chance of war. But how?" Altar told the kids asking himself afterward.

"We can just wake the Islands up?" Suzann suggested.
"Yes I thought of that but I calculated it and it would take all three of your energies combined to wake the Islands without killing you." Altar said cand caressed his beard stuck in his thoughts.

"I'm hungry!" Jonathan said.
"Are there any other options?" Matthew asked, ignoring Jonathan.

"Not that I can think of unless you can make the Artifacts appear magically?" Altar said, still caressing his beard and stuck in his thoughts. Meanwhile, Jonathan went on asking for food no one answering then he yelled out of hangry,

"I'm  Hungry!" Yelling captured Matthew's attention. Meanwhile, Suzann was still stuck in her thoughts and how she could not ever possibly face Arcanum remembering the darkness and shivering, and as soon as Jonathan yelled it was loud enough for her to come to the real world for a second before another thought made her thick. Suzann asked Altar,

"What if there was some way we could give our energy away to the Islands but, something refilling us like when we eat food?" Altar thought it over as Matthew pulled out some jerky and handed it over to Jonathan who nibbled it in discussion but ate it anyway because he was practically starving. Meanwhile, Altar thought it over and said,

"Yes, that would work if we could somehow channel the power of the Artifacts to you and you transfer it to the Islands!" Altar said Hopefully.

"But how do we get connected to the Artifacts?" Suzann asked.
"Well, you must merely let go of all anger and fear letting your true self out." Altar said it was the easiest thing to do in the world.
"Altar that is hard!'' Suzann yelled. Remembering the fear she had felt at the Hut and feeling like she could never forget her fears then she asked, "I'm sorry for yelling. But to be fair you have had many years of sleeping in peace but my brothers and I have had many years of fear and there wouldn't be any chance of a different option to connect to the Artifacts would there?" Suzann asked.
"Yes, it is just a little harder." Altar said
"What is it," Suzann asked.

"Well you do the same focus on what makes you the happiest and focus on it you can not focus on anything else if you do then you may end up corrupting the Artifact that you are connected to." Altar said.

"Well, I can do that?" Suzann smiled.
"Alright but I'm telling you that it is not as easy as it sounds" Altar Replied.

"Ok then what do we have to do first!' Suzann said, determined to wake up on the Island.
                 "Well what you and your brothers do is stand in a circle and I will stand in the middle you and your brothers will have to hold hands as I chant a spell." Altar said pointing to a circle on the floor and Suzann stood there just as Altar silently commanded Matthew and Jonathan right by her side holding her hands they stood there as Altar went in to stand in the middle chanting,

"Spread you the power and wake us up!" he said the verse over and over again and the more he said it the more Suzann could feel Power coming into her and then being sucked out by an invisible force.

They went on doing it for half of an hour the whole time Suzann had a hard time keeping focused on her calming thought. Suzann's calming thought was about every Thanksgiving and how the whole family would come to sit at the table and talk, eat, laugh, and have an altogether good time but every time she replied the memories in her head she had a hard time pushing aside the other thoughts that would pop up. Suzan would remember how her mother died and when she watched as her mother took the phone call explaining how Suzann's Grandmother had died. Then it was time the half an hour was over and they could get out of their thoughts.

Suzann was very relieved and she could not wait until she went to meet the mythical creachers. Soon there was w very hard banging coming at the door. It sounded as if there was a paparazzi outside and they were all banging on the door at once. It was very loud. Altar went and opened the door greeting all the Creatures at his door as if they were all his neighbors. Explaining to them what happened and how long they had been asleep for and how there was another war awakening and how they needed to get ready. The sun was starting to set at that time and Suzann had just relaxed that she had not had anything to eat except for a little jerky for breakfast and it was disgusting so she walked up to Altar and asked,
"I'm hungry do you have anything to eat and he yelled out,
"Why yes, of course, you must be starving, let us all talk over dinner!"

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