Chapter 13: Arcanum

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Arcanum was smirking and Suzann could see the evil in his eyes, his pupils were gray and his brows were pulled down towards his nose. Suzann felt a shill when Arcanum appeared like a breeze had come and blown on her. However, that was impossible because there were no windows in the room. Suzann did not trust the spirit in front of her and then every time he spoke Suzann felt that a little of her soul was being chipped away and Suzann felt like she was going to fall over.

"Hello, Matthew, Suzann, and Jonathan Montgomery." Arcanum was quiet and serious yet there was a mischievous tone to his voice. Suzann was surprised but she was kind of used to it.

"What do you want?" Suzann asked, stepping in front of her brother's seriousness and cautions.

"Me? I am just trying to protect what's rightfully mine." Arcanum's bows raised mischievously, his eyes like a fox'.

"What?" Matthew broke in.
" You are here to take something aren't you?" Arcanum said acting like he was confused, but Suzann could see a plan constructing behind his eyes.

"We are here to return something to its rightful home." Suzan still cautions stepping towards Arcanum a little more. Arcanum's eyes deepened slyly and evilly. Suzann knew that he was going to do something but he had no idea what.

"Return? That is quite a funny little girl." Arcanum stepped forward disappearing and reappearing behind her caressing her hair creepily.

"Let go!" Suzann yelled, turning to slap him away but he was no longer there; he was behind Jonathan grabbing him and walking back in front of Suzann.

"Let go of my brother! What do you want!" Suzann's anger was rising and she could not handle it. Suzan could tell that Jonathan was scared, the usual happy smile was replaced with fear-filled eyes and shivering lips.

"Oh, I will but if you want the Artifacts then I get to keep your brother." Arcanum was pure evil; she could feel it so she devised her own plan.

"Fine, you can keep the Artifacts j-just give me my brother." Suzann was scared.

"Fine." Arcanum rolled his eyes making her brother pop up beside him.

"Now go." Arcanum shooed, waving his hands to infinite how much we want them gone. Suzann quickly tried to run by him but she failed; he merely put his hand to her forehead stopping her every time he tried to escape.

"Ugggg!" Suzann sighed half out of breathlessness and half out of annoyance.

"Go," Arcanum said looking at his nails Jonathan saw his Sis struggling and so he walked to where Arcanum was standing and he walked right past him.

Arcanum was so surprised that he nearly fainted. He turned around and tried to grab Jonathan but he couldn't. There was something around Jonathan Arcanum's eyes that were twitching out of anger as he went on trying to stop Jonathan. Jonathan went on walking towards a desk humming, forgetting everything around him losing himself in music and happiness he saw something and was grabbing a flute made of wood.

Arcanum had finally penetrated Jonathan's shield and was about to grab him, when Suzann had a bolt of confidence run through her veins and she grabbed Arcanum as Matthew followed her lead.

Grabbing Arcanum and pulling him away from Jonathan. As Suzann grabbed Arcanum he was very cold. Suzann held on for as long as she could before letting go her hands felt as if she had just held on to a piece of ice for minutes. However, Suzann was not going to let that stop her so she filled her head with memories and grabbed back on this time Arcanum did not feel that cold. Suzann pulled him back then he yelled,

"Cadere" Matthew and Jonathan got pulled into the same spot as they fell as the ground underneath them disappeared. Matthew grabbed the rounded edge of the side of the whole and on the other hand, was Jonathan who did not have the chance to grab the edge. Suzann frightened her whole body shaking her heart rate faster than it had ever been before.

"So Suzann what are you going to choose? Your brothers, or the only things that could ever save your Grandfather's beloved world from destruction? Oooh, such a tough decision. Do you save your brothers, as you failed to do for your mother," Arcanum was circling Suzann she was silently crying as all her emotions came flooding out. Her knees broke down, landing hard on the concrete underneath her feet. little blood starting to fall out of the scratch. Suzann could feel the pain of her knees but it was not nearly as painful as the darkness surrounding her. Arcanum continues circling her evil smile widening on his face. Arcanum went on talking as he watched the invisible darkness come out of all the hidden little cracks in Suzanns mind, drowning her in it like an inescapable wave.

"Or, do you save the only world you ever really understood and loved?" Suzann was looking back and forth between her brothers and the Artifacts behind Arcanum. Then Suzann yelled out,
"Stop it, leave me alone!" Arcanum got close to her ear and whispered.

"Don't disappoint your mother," Arcanum whispered that as if he cared, but he really didn't. Suzann collapsed to the ground laying on it, her face buried in her hands. Arcanum slipped away grabbing the Artifacts and disappearing to who knows where.

"Suzann! Help my  hand is slipping!" Matthew yelled. However, his voice was drowned out by the darkness.

I'm not good enough. I couldn't save her. Why did she ever love me? I'm not worth it Matthew and Jonathan would be better off without me. Dad hates me. I can never please him. Why can't he ever appreciate me? I thought that I was his life? But apparently, I am not good enough... He hates me! I'll never be good enough! I'm the most horrible daughter that ever existed! I bet that he doesn't like me because I don't have any friends like Jonathan and Matthew! Grandpa is the only person that cares about me. Even then I bet he gets done with me sometimes. Suzann thought darkness swallowing her whole. Then Suzann yelled to into the sky,

"Why did you have to go!" Suzann went on crying when she heard Matthews voice,

"Suzann!'' Matthew had lost his grip and he was falling. Suzann suddenly had many memories come falling down into her mind. Most were good but some were bad too and that's when Suzann realized that the food has to come with the bad or the good would not feel wonderful and magical. Without the bad, you would not know how satisfactory the good is. At that moment Suzann just wished that her brothers would float over to her, and they did. After they all were safe and had talked things out they called out for Altar and he transported the kids back.

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