Chapter 9 The Lake

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In the middle of the night Suzann was sleeping peacefully when she had a nightmare. Suzann sat up straight on her mat panting and sweating.
That was so scary. Maybe if I just crawl to the lake and wash my face then that will make me feel better, Suzann thought, starting to slowly crawl to the lake to wash her face off. As she washed her face with the cool water she felt better. When, all of a sudden something popped out of the water. It was a mermaid!
"Ahhhh!" Suzann yelled in surprise, backing away.
"W-wat are you." Suzann asked looking into the mermaid as she peaked the top of her head out of the water so her eyes were the only thing visible. The mermaid peeked her head out of the water and said in a squeaky and childish voice,
"I'm a mermaid and my name is Mutiara and I am a pearl mermaid." Mutiara started then Suzann asked,
" What is a pearl mermaid?"
" A pearl mermaid is a mermaid that makes pearls that hold special powers and I give them to whomever I think fit to hold them. Now what I was saying before, I need to give you a pearl. I have sensed that you and your companions are special. Now take these I can only be here for so long so take them." Mutiara said, pushing three boxes into Suzanne's arms.
"Wait what are these and how are you awake, aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Suzann asked, confused and not really believing that she was seeing a mermaid.
"Well, if you look up into the sky you can see that it is a yellow moon, and as a pearl mermaid I can wake up today because Every yellow moon I make a pearl that is specially designed for someone and the pearl and the person have to mach and as we are asleep we can sense what is all around up we just can't move to do anything about it. So when I felt you up here and I realized that I have to take to give you and your companions these pearls they will give you power in the time when you most need it."  Mutiara Siad answering all Suzann questions all at once.
"How long are you away for?" Suzann asked, looking at Mutiara curiously, starting to lay down and get comfortable.
"I have the whole night." Mutiara said then after a pause continued saying, "but, I have to get back to my house I have a long night ahead of me." Mutiara said. Suzann had one more question,
"What are you going to do?" Suzann asked.
"I make my special pearl once every year." Mutiara said looking up into the moon happily.
"Oh, I see. Well since you have a long night ahead of you then you probably get to work. Besides I should get some rest." Suzann said, starting to get up and head to bed gathering her boxes.
"Well thank you and I 'm glad that I got to meet you." Mutiara said quickly, then she dove into her cove underneath the Island and Suzann fell asleep not to have another nightmare that night.

Hello It is me! Sorry haven't posted in a long time😅. I know this one is short sorry. Still I hope you liked it. Got to go,

            Araceli out!!!

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