Chapter 4: A New World

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Suzann woke up with her eyes still blurry from sleep. When Suzann opened her eyes, she was speechless because she was not in her Grandfather's farmhouse but in a grand room full of beauty.
On the ceiling, there was an ancient chandelier with real diamonds embedded into it. Picture frames with rubies and aquamarine even some of the frames were pure gold. While Suzzan sat in the queen sized bed looking at all the beautiful things a little voice in her head awoke to ask her,

Where are my brothers? Are they alright, Are they dead?  Suzann put those thoughts aside and soothed herself.

"Of course they are alright they are strong boys"

Looking around she saw a dress and there was a card sitting next to it. The dress was beautiful and as white as snow, with purple and yellow pansies on the bottom, it reminded Suzann of spring. When Suzann stopped looking at the dress she moved on and  opened the card it said:
"for the little lady."

The card had flower designs on it. The dress lay gently on a charming white chair with golden buttons. The dress was tempting Suzann and she could not resist getting up and putting it on. As she picked up the dress she noticed that underneath the dress was a pair of purple shoes to match.

She quickly put the clothes on. When Suzann was all the way dressed a burst of sunlight bled through the window shining upon Suzann as if she were a goddess. Suzann twirled, the skirt swirled around, following her motion, sunshine warming her skin.

Courageously she decided to go out of the room. She walked towards the heavy gold door that was bejeweled with diamonds before she could change her mind.

It took Suzann a total of five minutes just to open the door. When the door was open she saw a beautiful red wool rug with gold flakes embroidered on it. She walked on it hesitantly. Even in her clean new shoes, Suzann felt that the rug was not for walking on. It was far too beautiful. The hallway was filled with doors.

As Suzann was walking through the hallway a map caught her eye.

"This seems vaguely fimilery?" Suzann whispered to herself, in question.

It had six islands on it.  The names of the islands were familiar. There was one island that Suzann felt drawn to. The island's name was  The Mystical Islands. Suzann felt as if she had lived there, on that Island. However, after looking at the map, having the names embedded into her heart.  Suzann continued looking for her brothers.

I will try every one of these doors if I have to, to find my brothers! Suzann thought, determination arizing. She was going to try every door in sight, and there were a lot of doors.

It haunted her, in the back of her mind. They might be dead and I can not lose them like I lost  Mom Suzann thought. The first two doorways that she tried were the wrong doors. On the other hand they had many interesting things adorning them.

For example one room was just filled with pictures, glasses, pots, furs, and sculptures. The room reminded Suzann of a museum that her and her mother had gone to once. Suzann spent a few minutes in the room just looking at all the things.

The next door that Suzann tried was a room filled with cactuses and succulents. Suzann looked at those for a little while as well. However, she did not spend nearly as much time in that room as she had in the other room. This room reminded Suzann of her Fathers succulent garden.
When Suzann tried the third door, she prayed that it would be the right one. Suzann pushed it open with all her might. When the door finally opened she saw her two brothers sleeping on queen-sized beds with light blue silk sheets. 

Looking at the beds made Suzann tired. While Suzann's two Brothers were still asleep, she decided that she would look around the room.

First, she looked at the painting of a king. He looked like he was a great king and that he was kind and brave.

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