Chapter 10: The Truth

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As Suzann woke up from the most magical dream you could imagine she noticed that there was no lake next to them. Confused Suzann rubbed her eyes to try and clear the blurriness. Suzann examined her surroundings as she did; she noticed that they were in the middle of a once beautiful meadow but now it was muddy dry and dead. The creek just beyond where Suzann and her brothers were laying, it was brown and looked like a mud monster lived in it. The creek bubbled and giggled as it tried its best to flow. Suzann and her brothers were underneath a humongous willow tree and the leaves looked weird. However Suzann did not pay much attention to it. Instead she looked at her surroundings. The meadow seemed to go on forever. Of course it did not look much like a meadow in this state. The grass is dead, yellow, and droopy. The surrounding trees molding, termites biting at their roots, even the tree that Suzann and her brothers were sleeping under seemed to be holding on for dear life.
"Sis where are we?" Jounathan asked, topping it off with a yawn.
"I don't know. What I do know is that we are in a meadow of sorts." Suzann said and Jounathan woke up and looked around.
"A meadow then where are all the pretty flowers, creeks, fruit trees, and green grass lik at home?" Jounathan asked looking up at his big sister for an answer.
"Well because there is no magic in the Island now it is dying slowly." Suzann said after a moment of thought.

Then Mattew woke up. At first Matthew jumped seeing that they were  no longer at the lake, then said in an annoyed yet surprised tone,
"What's up with all this transportation in our sleep?"  Suzann and Jounathan just brushed it off with a little laugh.

The kids got up  and as Suzann and Matthew packed up Jounathan deisided that he would walk around the meadow. He walked to the trees which he tried to climb, and failed, then he wanted some water so he went to the creek which was filled with mud so he did not get water. After a very dull Adventure Jounathan just walked back around to camp and sat on the ground waiting for them to start walking, When.

Suzann finished packing camp and saw that the leaves on the tree above her were falling off and she decided that she was going to try and catch one. As Suzann ran around trying to catch a leave she finally caught one and then laid down looking at the leave and then she heard a little yawn.
"Who yawned?" Suzann asked, turning to her brothers.
"I didn't?" Matthew said in question and Jonathan just shook his head.
Hmmm, I must be imagining something Suzann thought as she went back to examining the leave then she saw and felt the leave move in her hand. As Suzann turned the leaf over she saw that it was no leaf but it was a fairy, and it was starting to wake up!
"Hmm, ahhh, who are you?" The Fairy said  startled trying to crawl away but could not because of how far off the ground she was. Then she continued "and how did you wake me up. What kind of soursary do you bring to kill us this time!" The Fairy seemed really mad, she tried to stand up but she just fell back onto Suzanne's hand.
"What do you mean?" Suzann asked, looking at the Fairy, Suzann had no idea what the fairy ment.
"What do I mean?" The fairy copied then continued, "I mean about Check when I had the internet years ago you and your fellow humans barged into our sweet and harmless town!" The fairy said angrily.
"No, you and your evil creatures came Surcumbus and cursed their families and killed their livestock." Suzann said looking down at the fairy.
"You really have no idea?" The fairy was sad and surprised.
"No." Suzann replied softly.
"Well it all began a long time ago," The fairy went on to tell the kids the whole story about how Xavier and his men stole their sacred artifacts, and then they fell into a never ending sleep.
" Wow, I had no Idea!" Suzann said, feeling sorry for the creachers.
"Now I have a question for you, how did you wake me up?" The fairy asked, looking confused.
"Well I don't know?" Suzann said.
"In that case if you are confused I suggest that you go to the sorcerer and try to wake him up he will be able to tell you." The fairy said yawning then fell asleep in Suzanns hands.

Suzann gently laid the fairy on one of the branches on the willow above her. Then Said,
"Well, I guess that we are going to find a soursarer!"

     Hi it's me Araceli, soon, hopefully I'm going to put a new story on here it's called love in the rain it's a romance story. Includes a lot of luck, clumsiness, and nosy neighbors. Hope you go check it out. Sorry about not posting in a while see soon.
                            Araceli out!

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