Ch 1 | Lam Likes Kissing

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"Can you stop following us?" Beam had a smile on his face but his smile didn't reach his eyes, he was looking coldly at Lam.

Meanwhile Lam stood blankly, not knowing what was going on.   

"You might have not noticed but Forth and I are in a relationship."

"Relationship?" Like a stupid kid Lam repeated after Beam. His face was as blank of expression as ever, but his eyes were looking curiously at what Beam was saying now.

Today Varodom Khemmonta, aka Lam, was in a good mood and felt like going somewhere. 

So when he saw Forth, his friend getting in the car with Beam, he didn't see right or left and went to ask them where they were going.

Hearing Forth's reply that they are going to a college fest, and at Sripatum University, it's the university they are at a cold war with.
Lam didn't think twice and went ahead to sit in the car.

Nobody stopped him from this so that means they were ok with him tagging along. Then what was the problem right now?

As soon as Forth left to buy drinks Beam started talking to him.

Impatience was written all over Beam's face, Forth would come anytime with their drinks, he had to make his point clear. "Yes, in a relationship. As in a love-love relationship."

"Love?" Lam repeated again. Both Beam and Forth are males, and they are in a relationship?

Lam blinked slowly. It's not like he doesn't know that boys can get together too, it's just that he simply didn't know Forth, his friend, and Beam, someone he get along with, were in a relationship.

Weren't both of them into girls before? Even the oblivious Lam knows that these both are called the number one Casanova and the engineering playboy.
Then how come he's hearing they are together?

But he never heard his friends mention it either. 

"Oh for god's sake!" Beam huffed. "Yes, we are in love. Is it so strange for you?" Beam was about to vent his anger on him when he got back his senses and went into his character.
"Well you know, since we are in love, are in a relationship, then we need some alone time..." He waited to see Lam's expression change, which didn't.

Giving up, Beam continued. "So, it would be nice of you if you leave us alon- no, even just staying some steps away from us would be alright. And who knows maybe some guy will take this opportunity to flirt with you? And the next time we meet you'd have a boyfriend too."
Beam widened his smile to force out a nice look, he was just about to continue further when he saw Forth coming with three drinks in his hands.

Lam saw Forth too and didn't hesitate to go over and take one drink.

When Beam saw this happen, his smile turned even more forced.

Lam asked Forth, "Are you going out with Beam?" Forth nodded while giving one cup to Beam.
"Then are you both here for a date?"

Hearing this question Forth paused. He turned to look at Beam who was taking a sip of his drink, his head bowing down and there wasn't a smile on his face.

He fucked up, didn't he? It was a date? Oh shit, why didn't he notice this obvious fact before.

Before Lam could ask anymore Forth grabbed Beam's hand, and far away they were gone. 

Where they went, Lam has no clue. He stood there blankly with a cup in his hand, not knowing what to do.

Looking around seeing the crowd, he finally remembered where he was, Sripatum University. Why were they at war with this university again? He does not remember. And he doesn't care to remember either.

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