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Anna's Pov:

I woke up and immediately remembered what happened with Eva last night. Why did that happen? I thought she hated me, and I mean, I do hate her. A lot. Ok maybe not a lot, maybe a little. The thoughts were making me dizzy. I sat up and my eyes immediately traveled to Eva's bed, who was still passed out in my hoodie. I took a quick second to admire her and then turned off my alarm set for 10 minutes from now. I sat up sighing going to my closet getting dressed, I took off my sweats and was looking for clothes in just my sports bra and underwear. While I was looking I felt a small breath on the back of my neck, a slight chuckle and felt hands on my waist. I froze in place and stayed quiet, her voice came out in the morning raspy voice but was still gentle. "good morning shumate" I stayed still as she moved my hair to the side and her lips pressed against my neck gently and I closed my eyes breathing in deeply. I felt her smirk against my skin and slide her hand across my stomach. I opened my eyes and came to my senses "get off me cudmore" She ignored my request and continued to run her fingertips across my abs softly. I almost feel back into her touch but turned around "what babe?" I glared at her "First, get off me and second, I'm not your babe". She did as I said and pulled away glaring at me "whatever anna  " she looked me up and down smirking "nice body though" I rolled my eyes and threw on my pants and my gray sweater.  I grabbed my phone and put on deodorant and perfume and threw my hair in a pony tail. Eva went to the restroom so I took my opportunity to sneak out of the house quickly. 

I grabbed my keys and shut the door to the house carefully to not wake anyone else. I got in the car and connected aux listening to ily by surf mesa. by far one of my favorite songs. I drove to the same starbucks I was at with Lauren yesterday for her second session. After about 20 minutes there, Lauren finally showed up. "Hey I'm so sorry I'm so late, I had a crazy night" I chuckled "Fun at least?" she giggled slightly and took a sip of the coffee I bought her. "You could say that, I had a lot to drink and met this girl, and we kind of hooked up" I raised my eyebrow and smiled slightly. "and what was this girls name?" I looked down almost ashamed "Well her name is Katie, Katie Pego."

I looked down and stayed quiet. But Katie was home last night? I didn't hear her pull out of the drive way? I heard her door close and I heard her white noise machine turn on? I was confused, majorly. I mean her car was in the drive way when I left about 30 minutes ago. 

Lauren cleared her throat as I hadn't said anything for a good 2 minutes. "Do you know her?" I looked up and smiled slightly "She has brown hair, brown golden eyes, and is pretty tiny?" Lauren chuckled "That's the one, she's pretty cute." I stayed quiet and seemed in some sort of daze. "Is something wrong?" I cleared my throat and coughed a little. "Ummm no she's my best friend, I just thought she was straight"  After saying that Lauren looked a little sad and I coughed to ease the tension "but I could be totally wrong. did you catch feelings for her last night?" "yeah I did" I smiled "Ok, so it seems you might have found your match yourself, I will talk to her when I get home since I live with her." Right after I said that her phone started ringing. "it's her" i looked at her phone and saw Katies name "go ahead and answer." she answered the phone and I heard her part of the conversation. " Yeah, yeah I'm at an appointment right now, but I can probably leave, I'll meet you in 10." she hung up the phone and looked at me " She wants me to meet her at applebee's" I closed my laptop and put it in my bag and smiled "go get your girl" she chuckled and hugged me "thank you anna" I smiled and hugged her back "of course, now go." and with that she rushed to her car and sped away, and I sat back down still in confusion, texting Katie.

anna: katie

katie: anna

anna: when were you gonna tell me about lauren?

katie: eventually, after time. i didn't know that she was one of your clients.

anna: duh, but you hooked up with her?

katie: ummmm....

anna: katie don't play dumb she told me everything. i know you did.

katie: i was scared on what you would think, like you might not except me.

anna: well of course I except you, i always will because i love you. so you're into guys and girls?

katie: ummm no, just girls.

anna:oooo tea, that's great!

katie: haha yeah, well she's here so I have to go ily ttyl

anna: ok ilyt ttyl

I locked my phone and went to my car setting up aux once again. I sat back watching tiktok for a second when I got a text from an unknown number.

unknown: when are you coming home babe?

anna: uh, who is this?

unknown: take a wild guess, you enjoyed my hands on your body, and my lips on you neck this morning.

anna: oh jesus. eva. i did not enjoy that whatsoever.

eva: are you sure? that's not what that little moan that came out of your mouth said.

anna: cudmore stfu. i'll be home soon.

After that text she left me on read. I took the back roads home driving slowly. It took me about an hour to get home, and when I pulled into the drive way and saw evas car, i wished i drove slower. I turned off my car and went inside, but when i got inside a pair of soft hands pushed me against the wall and pinned my hands above my head. I saw those hands that were holding me was eva, and i looked at her with a stern look. "Eva what are you doing?" her eyes seemed to be dark with lust. "holding you exactly where i want you" I gulped slightly "those thirst traps you post really get me heated" she tightened her grip on my hands and leaned in slightly closer to my lips. "well those aren't for you." she chuckled and looked deep into my eyes "more me than anyone else, i know you want me babe." I looked down at her lips "i don't" she moved in closer and brushed her lips against mine. her lips were so soft and the overwhelming smell of sweet flowers hit me. i was falling into her. but i didn't want to . I got my arms lose from her grip and pushed her against the wall holding her arms above her head. her eyes got darker and she smirked. I got close to her lips and she closed her eyes expecting me to kiss her. I spoke in her ear softly " I don't" I let go of her arms and walked away to the living room putting on netflix.

well that was very bold of me.

c writes.

hey all, sorry for the slow updates, i've been really busy. its not my best chapter and i didn't proof read it but i hope you guys liked it. hope you all had a great christmas my little bottoms.

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