her arrival

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Anna's Pov:

20 minutes or so went by and I was still laying on my bed staring at the ceiling with thoughts rushing through my head. I had no idea how this was gonna play out, I mean we hate each other. She's gonna be living under the same roof, and in the same room at that. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle that.  

A couple of minutes later the door opened and Eva walked in with her bags setting them on the bed that was just 7 feet away from my mine. I sat up at looked at the time and looked over at her catching her side glancing at me. "What? What are you looking at?" She smirked and chuckled a bit "My new roommate I guess". I rolled my eyes "This is amusing to you?" I laid back down. "Yeah it's pretty funny how they put two girls that hate each other in the same room".  "That is not funny in any way, and I have ground rules." Eva cocked her eyebrow "And those are?" I sat up once again looking at her "No going through my stuff, don't get in my business, and if you make a mess, clean it. This is my room after all." Eva rolled her eyes "Why yes mother. Whatever you say mother." I rolled my eyes back at her and get off the bed going to the bathroom splashing my face with water looking at myself in the mirror when I heard a knock. "What?" "Can I come in?" It was Katie. "Sure" she opened the door and locked it behind her. "Are you mad at me?" I kept looking at the mirror "no Katie, I'm just not ecstatic about her living in my room."  "Anna I-" I cut her off "Look. It's late I'm gonna go to sleep." I pushed past her and went to my bed, going on tiktok and Katie rushed past me out the door. The door opened again in a second and Eva came back in yawning. I ignored her, until she spoke to me. 


I went back into my room, or Anna's room I guess. It's gonna take a while to call it my room since  I'm not really comfortable in it. Anna and I have always hated each other, and it seems like she won't ever stop, even if I stopped hating her because there was no reason for me to hate her in the first place. Since we live with each other, I just wanted things to be good between us. Which will take some time. I sat on the bed feeling cold, like freezing cold. "Jeez, Anna do you live in a freezer?" She side glanced at me went back to looking at her phone "Something like that." I dug through my bag looking for a hoodie, not finding one. "Um Anna..." she just kept looking at her phone "Can I borrow one of your hoodies?" she sighed taking off the hoodie she already had on and tossed it to me. "Thank you" she went back to looking at her phone "Sure". I looked over at her and she didn't have a shirt on, just a black Nike sports bra. I could see her toned stomach and her soft skin that I just wanted to drag my fingers over slowly. And her hair, the golden blonde hair that looked so soft that I could just massage my fingers through to get her to fall off in a deep sleep while she fell asleep in my arms. Wait, wait why am I thinking this? I cannot be thinking about this. It's not a possibility. I shrugged it off and throw her hoodie on getting hit by the wave of her aroma, the soft sweet smell of vanilla. The best smell in the world. Oh god, I'm doing it again. Why why why why. I was broken off from my thoughts when I heard the same audio from a tiktok playing over and over again, the same audio that I just used on my newest tiktok from 20 minutes ago. 

I smiled and giggled a little and stood up going over to her bed looking over her shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of what she was watching. She sprung up holding the phone away from me. "what are you watching?" I smirked slightly and her face turned red "Uh nothing" I laughed and reached for her phone kneeling on the bed "Give" she scooted away with her face still red "No" I tried reaching for it and she grabbed my wrist and I slipped falling on her. 

I fell with my hands on either side of her right above her inches away from her face. We were both breathless. We just stared at each other when her eyes glimpsed down at my lips. I smiled slightly. She smiled slightly back at me almost in a daze. In this moment the overwhelming craving to kiss her was really strong. I leaned in slightly snapping back into reality. I pulled away quickly getting off her and she whispered "Eva.." I ignored it and went back to my bed and laid down dropping the thoughts and clearing my head.

why the hell did I do that?


c writes.

hi my bottoms, i hope you liked this chapter. it wasn't a very good one. and I'm sorry it took me so long to get it out. i'll have another chapter out by tomorrow. i've been hella distracted by tvd so i apologize again lol. not proofread. 

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