next "morning"

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Anna's Pov:

I woke up to the birds chirping. It must have been early. I searched my bed with my hands for my phone finding it eventually, looking at the time. It was 2:30 pm. I was very off with the whole early morning wake up thing. My head was pounding, to the point where it felt like someone was hitting my skull with a hammer. I groaned in pain and sat up feeling my stomach turn. I never feel this terrible when I'm drinking or after I drink. That was a sign of how much I really drank. Last night was a blur, I remember two things. Katie, in her drunken state, had somehow managed to knock over a whole china hut, shattering everything in it. Lauren called her friend Cynthia to pick us up because we were all pretty wasted, and had to get out of there fast. The second thing I remember is dancing with Eva, and the whole bedroom part of it as well. While I laid back down and rested my eyes, I remembered how her lips felt on mine, how her hands traveled down my body, and how her soft skin felt against mine. I opened my eyes, not wanting to think about it anymore. Hopefully, Eva doesn't remember because she was just as drunk as I was. I decided I'm not going to say anything about it, and if she does somehow remember, I'll completely deny that it ever happened. Speaking of Eva, I heard her grown in her sleep a bit and glanced over at her. I sat up and went into the bathroom grabbing two pain relief pills and put them on her nightstand, after that, I went downstairs and grabbed a glass filling it with ice-cold water, going back upstairs, and setting it next to her. I let her sleep for a little while longer and took a shower, letting the hot water soothe my body into relaxation. I heard Eva groan in her sleep a couple more times and got out of the shower throwing on a hoodie, sweats, and drying my hair out quickly. I sat on the side of her bed looking at her for a second, she looked in peace, but she was clutching her hands on her stomach. I put my hand on her shoulder lightly "Eva" she was still asleep. I moved a little closer and spoke lightly "Eva wake up" She woke up and looked at me, her eyes seemed tired, and her face was a little pale. She spoke softly but it came out a little hoarse. "Oh hi.." I put my hand on her shoulder again "Here, I got you some medicine to take and some water." She smiled weakly, but it still seemed to shine. "Thank you." I helped her sit up and when she eventually got there she gripped her stomach and I saw her hand fly to her mouth as I heard her start to gag. I sprung up and wrapped my arms around her shoulder guiding her to the bathroom, where she immediately collapsed against the base of the toilet. I lifted the seat and pulled her hair back holding it for her. She was dry heaving for a good amount of time. After a couple of minutes, she stood back up and looked at me "Ok I'm good." I looked at her concerned but right after her legs turned to jello under her and she fell to the base of the toilet again, once again I held her hair back. The only thing different this time is that she was now actually puking. I rubbed her back as I could hear the pain she was going through. I reached over to the toilet paper and folded the squares up to a neat little wipe and handed it to her to wipe her mouth. I could tell that she was done, at least for now, and she wiped her mouth with it throwing it in the toilet, immediately flushing.  She stayed over the edge while I kept her hair back and we stayed in silence. "You don't have to take care of me, Anna." I chuckled slightly "Well I want to make sure you're ok." She breathed in deeply "Well thank you, I wouldn't have made it over here without you, and that would've been a mess on the floor." We both laughed and Eva turned around and faced me "I need to brush my teeth now" I nodded "And take a shower, that helped me." She nodded and grabbed her toothbrush. "I'll be on my bed if you need me ok?" She nodded again "Ok. Thank you." I gave her a slight smile and closed the door. I laid back on my bed scrolling through Instagram when I saw the caption on Tiktokroom. "Not a content house girls ruin expensive structure in a brand new home!" I tossed my phone sighing. Nour was surely gonna have our asses handed to us for this. With those worries still at large, they seemed to travel to the back of my head, and the night with Eva was my biggest thought. Everything with her was so nice, and it was a perfect moment. But It should not have happened the way it did. But yet again, it was so perfect.

I dozed off thinking about it and I woke up to my name being shouted. I recognized it as Eva's voice calling me from the bathroom. I went over the closed door and replied gently "Yeah? What's up?" I heard her struggling a bit in the bathroom "Eva can I come in?" She let out a small "Yes." I opened the door and saw her on the floor almost fully dressed, she had a hoodie and underwear on but couldn't seem to get her sweats on, and during trying to get them on, she fell. 

Eva's Pov: 

Anna was in the bathroom with me now. It made me sort of uncomfortable since I was just in my underwear and a hoodie, but I couldn't get up and needed to get my sweats on. "Here take my hand." I looked up and saw her hand outstretched to me and I grabbed it, and she pulled me up and I didn't have any balanced and fell straight into her chest. She chuckled and rubbed my back for a minute until I pulled away. MY face was slightly red from blushing, and she noticed as she slightly swiped her thumb across my warm cheek. We stared at each other for a minute until I broke the silence. "Um..I can't get my sweats on, can you help me?" Anna smiled slightly and picked up my sweats from the floor "Yeah of course." She came closer to me and I felt my heartbeat quicken, and my pulse speed up as well. "Here lift your left leg." I did as she said and my left leg slipped into the hole. "Now right" I did so, and it slipped in. She slid the waistband up to my waist and I felt her fingers brush against my skin which sent a chill down my spine. "Why was she having this effect on me?" She saw my reaction and chuckled a bit. "Alrighty then, let's get you into bed to rest, and I'll have you take the medicine." I nodded and wrapped my arm around her arm, holding onto it tightly with my other hand to keep my balance. Once we got to my bed, she pulled back the covers for me and I laid down. She handed me the water and the pills. "Here, take these, it will help with the headache and nausea" I nodded and took the pills, swallowing them with the ice-cold water that felt like pure heaven. My throat felt like it was on fire, so I drank the rest of the water and it helped it majorly. She took the cup from me and pulled the blankets over me. "Go ahead and get some rest, I'll fill this back up for you and will have it right on your nightstand." I nodded again "Thank you." She gave me a small nod back "Of course." She started to walk away and I grabbed her hand and she gave me a confused look. "Anna I mean it, thank you so much for taking take of me, I don't know if I would be able to do this without you." She walked over to me smiling "Of course Eva, anytime." I closed my eyes and felt her lips on my forehead as she kissed it softly. She walked away, and before she left the room I heard her whisper one thing that I never thought I would've heard her say ever. One thing I knew she didn't mean for me to hear. 

"I'll always help you, Cudmore, I'd do anything in the world for you." 

After hearing those words I became more relaxed. And the last thing I said was a small whisper to myself after she left the room. 

"I'd give anything in the world to be with you, Shumate." 


c writes.

sorry, it took so long to write a new chapter guys. hope you liked this one. happy new year to my bottoms ;). also tysm for 1.3k reads so far!!! that's amazing, and i never thought this book would get this far! 

not proofread. don't cancel me for any mistakes. 

1577 words. 

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