a not so pleasant surprise.

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Anna's Pov: 

After a short drive of 5 minutes turned into 30 minutes, I pulled into the drive way of my house, that I shared with Katie. I sighed leaning back in my seat looking at the rings on my hand. I often had problems reminiscing about my pat relationships, and what I did wrong with them. Why was this coming up right now? Don't ask me, I have no idea why.  Right now, I was thinking about my newest ended relationship. After about a year I found out he was using me for sexual pleasure. I wasn't very shocked most of my past relationships were all about that. I haven't been with someone for about 7 months because of that, and it was starting to take a toll. I built my walls even higher than before with the last relationship. I want to be able to feel the love from another person, to feel the adoration. I sighed again, shaking my head slightly pulling the keys out of the ignition. 

I headed inside unlocking the door setting my keys on the table next to it. I walked into the kitchen where I saw Katie cooking. I decided to come up behind her wrapping my arms around her resting my head on her shoulder. She turned her head slightly smiling "well if it isn't the one and only Anna Shumate" I chuckled "It is, what you cooking?" She stirred whatever was in the pot "Ah, nothing but the classic craft mac and cheese for a bit of comfort food". I smiled "well make me a bowl" I kissed her cheek gently pulling away from her looking in the fridge grabbing a Red Bull hopping on the counter next to her. "So how was the match making....cutie?" She winked and I chuckled. People often think we're dating with how much we flirt, but it's strictly platonic and we're just friends. It's just something we do that we think is funny. "It was ok, I can tell she might be a hard case, she seems kinda picky" Katie laughed and put down the spoon grabbing bowls, three of them. I was confused since it was just her and I . "Well you always find a way to work your magic so you'll be ok." I grab the bowl from her taking a bite, and hopped off the counter to the couch opening Netflix. I turn on Gossip Girl, to see what Lauren loved about it so much. After an episode, I realized Katie didn't come in and I heard giggling coming from the kitchen. 

I went into the kitchen and say Katie sitting on the counter with another girl that had her back to me. That's who the third bowl was for, I guess. I made my presence know by clearing my throat. Katie turned towards me and smiled "Anna, heyyyy" she giggled and the girl with her back turned towards me turned around. I saw it was Eva. Eva Cudmore. A.k.a my number one enemy. I frowned immediately, crossing my arms. 

Eva and I have known each other since the 8th grade, but never really liked each other. It all started when she flirted with my boyfriend at the time everyday, and once we broke up  she was immediately with him. She glared at me and set down the bowl and turned towards Katie "I thought you said she wasn't here" Katies frowned. "She wasn't before, she is now, is that a problem?" Eva rolled her eyes and took a drink of her sprite "No I guess not."  I walked over to the fridge again grabbing a bottle of water. "So, Eva how's Jackson, hm? Still with him or did he cheat on you too?" She looked over at me and glared, "Well if you must know I broke up with him a week ago, but then again, that's not really your business is it?" Katie cleared her throat "Guys I-'" I cut her off "No I guess it isn't just asking." Katie looked back and forth between the two of us "Anna can I talk to you?"

I nodded and Katie and I went into another room. I leaned against the wall and ran my hand through my hair. "Anna you're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you" I looked at her confused, and a million thoughts ran through my head. 

Katie's Pov:

I stood awkwardly looking at Anna. How is she gonna take this news? I know for damn sure she's not gonna like it.  "Well, if you gave something to tell me Katie, can you like spill? I'm nervous." I nervously fumble with my phone in my hands. "Well listen Anna, we have a new person moving in with us" She smiled brightly "That's awesome" I closed my eyes for a second "and they'll have to share a room with you since you have an extra bed in there." She looked at me hopeful "Yeah that's awesome, I'd love to have some new friends!!" I chuckled at her response "Yeah but here's the part you're not gonna like". 

Anna's Pov:

I can admit, when she said that I did get a bit nervous. That's the line she always uses when there's bad news. Or news that she knows that I'm not gonna like. "Well what is it?" 

"Well Anna... it's Eva"

I didn't know what to say. I honestly couldn't believe it, I was just trying to keep my cool at this point. I stared at the ground clenching and unclenching my fist, with my red bull in my other hand taking a sip staying quiet for a second. "Well... that's most definitely not amazing..but I'll learn to deal with it. Is there no other place that she can sleep in the house though?" Katie sighed grabbing my hand holding it gently "No Anna I'm sorry your room has the most amount of space and that extra bed I was talking about." I held her hand looking at them "Well.. ok I'll deal with it. We'll get on good terms eventually." She smiled and pulled me into a hug "Thank you Anna." I rubbed her back gently and let go of the hug "I'll clean up a bit then she can move in." Katie nodded "I'll go tell her." She walked out of the room and I sat on my bed laying down on my back thinking. 

How am I gonna deal with this? 


c writes.

here's another chapter in one day cause i have no life lmao. i hope you like it, and this is just the start of the story. i'll have a new chapter up by the end of today, or at least by the middle of saturday. sleep well my bottoms.

not error checked, don't cancel me for any mistakes. 

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