appointment with a little twist

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Anna's Pov:

Eva thinks I didn't hear what she said, but I walked out the door of our room and hid against the wall, and did in fact hear what she said. I've got to say I was rather conflicted about it. My heart fluttered and my mind raced. Eva and I would never work. Nothing happened between us, and nothing will ever happen between us. I hate her and she hates me, and that's how it's gonna stay. First off, I need to do one thing. I need to tell myself I hate her, I need to convince myself that I do. I went downstairs after getting ready and headed out for my new client. It didn't seem like Lauren needed my help anymore. 

I drove to the meetup spot for the meeting and met up with my new client, which was a guy. His name was Connor. 

-skip through a little bit in the meeting- 

After about 30 minutes, I learned a lot about Connor and figured out his type. His type was short girls, with light brown hair, and brown eyes. I guess we had that in common.  "So Connor, have you been talking to anyone, that you have any interest in?" He looked up from his phone after checking the time "Well there is this one girl, I saw her on tiktok, and we kind of hit it off" He smiled at me and I nodded and smiled a little "Tell me about her" I saw a sparkle in his eyes, and right away I could tell that this could really be the girl for him. "Well she's really sweet, she's a little shortie, she's absolutely gorgeous, she loves anime as I do, and she has such a soft side" He was smiling like crazy "And just last night she said she likes me too, we just haven't met up yet." I wrote down some things in my notebook "Have you guys face-timed or anything?" I asked. "Yes we have, we do almost every night." I wrote that down in my notebook again. The more information to be able to help, the better. "What's her name?" He smiled "Well, her name is Eva. Eva Cudmore."  I looked at him a little shocked. Let me tell you, I was never expecting that. I felt a little bit of jealousy creep into me, but for what? Why am I jealous right now? I took a deep breath to try to push it down and put on a fake smile "That's awesome, I actually live with her." I saw his face brighten quickly "Really? Do you think I could come over and meet her in person?" Oh no, the jealously was kicking in again and I stayed quiet for a second while he was staring at me "Um yeah sure, let's go right now"  I started packing up my stuff and I could tell he was excited. We both got in the car and it was a little awkward until he broke the silence. "Should I call her and tell her I'm coming over?" I stayed quiet keeping my eyes on the road, thoughts going crazy in my head. "Um no, let's make it a surprise." After that we stayed quiet until I pulled up to the house, I got all my stuff together and Connor just stared in front of him "Ayo let's go inside." He looked at me getting out of his daze "Do I look ok?" I chuckled a little "You look good, don't worry about it now, let's go" He got out of the car and we both went inside. I looked around the house, and it didn't seem like Eva was downstairs, she was home though I saw her car. I had Connor hide, and I called for Eva from downstairs. 

Eva's Pov:

I was just laying in bed watching tiktoks when I heard Anna call for me from downstairs. I have to admit, I felt butterflies from my name coming from her voice. I ran to the bathroom and fixed my hair, and put some perfume on going downstairs. I ran down the stairs and saw her waiting for me "Yeah what's up?" Anna looked up at me and I saw a harsh look in her eyes and I got a little scared.  "I have a surprise for you" I started to speak but she cut me off by taking my hand and pulling me through the house. Her hand was so soft and so warm, it felt like it fit perfectly in mine.  She pulled me into the kitchen and I saw a tall guy with his back towards us. Anna tapped on his shoulder and he turned around.  My eyes went wide. It was Connor. The guy I had been talking to. Anna let go of my hand, and Connor smiled so wide "Eva" I smiled back and ran over to him hugging him tightly "Connor!" He hugged me tightly and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling away. "What are you doing here?" He chuckled "Well I had an appointment with your friend Anna, and I was telling her about you, and she brought me here." Oh shit, Anna. I looked around the kitchen and she wasn't in there. I got a bit worried, but I couldn't leave Connor just standing here. "Oh yeah, that's cool..." My thoughts were going crazy. Why did Anna bring him here? Especially after last night? "Hey Eva, I have a question." I looked back at him snapping out of my thoughts "Yeah sure what's up?" He grabbed my hand gently "Well I asked Anna for advice on it and she helped me, but would you like to go on a date with me?" I was shocked, to say the least, I didn't know what to say. My feelings for Anna were growing stronger, and I wasn't that into Connor, I was before my feeling for Anna took over. "Um..yeah sure" 

Right at that moment, Anna walked in the kitchen "great job kid, I told you you could do it."  She slapped his back slightly and walked over to the fridge grabbing a red bull. She turned back facing us and Connor spoke up "Thank you Anna." She didn't look at him once, her eyes were trained on me, and her doing this made it really hard to keep my eyes off of her. "Yeah Of course, always willing to help two friends out." She over empathized the friends part, and it stung a little. Connor cleared his throat and looked over at me "Hey, you ready to go?" I broke eye contact with Anna and looked at him "Yeah you can head to the car, I'll be out there in a second" He nodded and walked outside, I waited to say anything until I heard the front door close. I looked at Anna again "Why did you do this." She took a sip of my drink and looked at me shrugging her shoulders starting to walk away. 

Anna's Pov:

I was walking towards the stairs when Eva grabbed my wrist and turned me around. We were inches away from each other and I could feel her breath on my skin. It made my heart beat so fast. "Anna..." I tried breaking eye contact with her but I just couldn't.  I felt her hand push a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Are we not going to talk about what happened last night?" My breath hitched "What about last night? Nothing happened." I could see in her eyes that my words hurt her "Us, us in that room, the night we shared." I looked down to show my real emotions and looked back up completely emotionless. "That wasn't me, I saw you go in a room with someone else, you were pretty drunk."  She kept eye contact with me "It was you Anna, I know that I was drunk but I remember one of the best nights of my life very clearly." Her words caught me off guard. "One of the best nights of your life." Eva nodded and we just kept eye contact. I couldn't control my feelings at this point. She looks so perfect right now, and she smells amazing. I saw her start to walk a little closer to me and I let it happen. I stared into her eyes, her perfect eyes. I could stare at them all day. I saw her eyes travel to my lips and mine traveled to hers. I remember the softness of them, and how they moved against mine. I wanted to feel them again, I need to feel them again. I put my hands on the back of her neck and pulled her in connecting our lips. Her lips feel even better with both of us sober, literally breathtaking. She wrapped her arms around my waist and moved as close to me as possible. Her lips moved against mine, and we stayed like that when we heard the door open. I pulled away quickly and moved away from her.  It was just Katie, and she immediately went on the couch not seeing us. Eva stared at me and licked her lips quickly, she started to move towards me again, and I was about to fall into it again, but I put my hand on her chest stopping her. "Go on your date Eva." She looked at me "Anna I don't want to, I don't like him, I like you-" I cut her off "Eva go on the date and give him a chance." Eva looked down and I moved closer to her again.

"Plus Eva, this, us, can never be a thing." I heard her sniffle a bit and lifted her chin a bit so she was facing me, she had tears in her eyes. I wiped them away and leaned in close to her kissing her head lightly, letting my lips linger for a second. 

"I'm sorry." With that, I went upstairs tearing up, wondering if what I said about us never being able to work was true. 


c writes. 

Hey my babes, I'm sorry for the late update, I didn't have much motivation to write. I honestly might stop writing his book, but I'm not sure yet. As much as Im starting to fall in love with this story, I haven't had much time to update so I'm sorry, let me know what you guys think. 

not proofread

1749 words. 

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