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TRUE TO MADELINA'S PREDICTIONS, Tom has been nothing but a gentleman to her. If she wants something, he always manages to get it for her.

One night at dinner, she was upset that the House-Elves hadn't prepared anything other than roast beef- a feed that isn't particularly her favorite- and three minutes after she had expressed that fact, a house-elf personally presented her with her favorite meal.

There was a time in class when she was seated at the very back of the room, upset that the boy in front of her was too tall and blocked her view of the professor, and in a matter of seconds, Tom had shortened his height- he assured her that the git would regain his true height once the class ended.

When Druella and Walburga kept spewing horrid things about Theodora Clearwater and congratulating Declan on messing up the mudblood's face, one withering look from Tom had shut them up, and she hasn't heard a thing about it since.

He is everything she's ever wanted, someone to be kind with a similar intellect, someone who mercilessly aided her in her studies, and someone who exuded the same amount of personal strength as her.

And, as for the bedroom, it was a different matter entirely. Tom, being the proud Slytherin he is, loves to dominate her. There was nothing he wouldn't try, be it magically restraints or torturously withholding her orgasms. She would never take the wheel, and the second his lips touched her, she was always at his mercy.

She doesn't mind it much, this unique display of submissive behavior from her. It was actually refreshing. In front of everyone else, Tom didn't mind catering to her every whim and doing what she asked, but in the bedroom, he was in charge.

Similarly, Rosamaria could let her rigid poise drop in their privacy. She was allowed to let loose and be free to let someone else take control. It was a pleasant break from reality where she was no longer a former Duchess itching to have people to rule or a proud woman who could make everyone bend to her will.

There are astoundingly compatible, and it scares the living daylights out of her because of how perfectly they mold together- physically and mentally. They have a toxic relationship- not because he physically or verbally abuses her- but because they can never get enough of each other. They become drunk in each other's presence, like some fine delicious poison coursing through both of them.

It's enchanting and rewarding and she can't help but love every second of it.

They're currently studying for their N.E.W.T.S together, hidden away from everyone else, mostly because Tom seems eager to hoard her away, but also because they seem to be the only two that can keep up with each other.

She glances up from her book for a second, cocking her head as she observes him scribble endlessly on his parchment. His attention is drawn to his studies but she doesn't miss the way his fingers unconsciously run through her hair every few minutes.

The Absurdity of Time│Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now